Airline tickets and travel packages are on consumers' wish list for Black Friday

Airline tickets and travel packages are on consumers' wish list for Black Friday

Travel, airline tickets, perfumes, sofas, drinks, makeup, books and even tattoos stand out among the various items that presented, in October, a high rate of searches carried out by consumers combined with the term 'Black Friday'.

São Paulo, October 28, 2022 - Black Friday is not only about electronics. Although cell phones, notebooks, refrigerators, airfryers and other electronics items are the most sought after in the promotions of the most important date of the year for online commerce, other products and services also compete for consumer interest. According to data from Radar Simplex, special edition Black Friday, which monitors the searches carried out by consumers in the largest e-commerces operating in Brazil, the month of October registered intense searches for airline tickets, travel packages, perfumes, sofas, drinks, makeup, tires, diapers, books and even tattoos combined with the term 'Black Friday'.

"We noticed that searches for airline tickets, tour packages and travel agencies are among the Black Friday promotions that already arouse great interest. This suggests that, after the Covid pandemic, these items have become objects of desire for a significant portion of the population ", reports João Lee, CEO and founding partner of Simplex. For him, it is natural that, after a long period of restrictions on mobility, there is a dammed demand for travel. "In the same vein, we also see that there are significant searches for promotions in theme parks, in Brazil and abroad, and also for travel bags and on-board bags", he points out.

Other products

As well as travel packages and tickets, consumers are already starting to search for the first promotions and research the prices of various products, going far beyond the traditional electronics. Beauty items, perfumes and makeup appear with expressive rates of demand. Among the searches that are performed by the consumer in conjunction with the term 'Black Friday', it is common to bring the name of major brands, national and international. "This signals that the consumer does not expect only shopkeepers to make promotions, but also that the manufacturers of various products themselves contribute with differentiated prices and discounts", believes the CEO of Simplex.

They also appear on the list of the most searched and monitored products in relation to Black Friday sofas, mattresses, tires, drinks (whiskey, beer and wine, in that order), diapers, jewelry, bicycles and coupons for snacks. "Another champion in searches are books. The phenomenon is a wake-up call for bookstores, which can also take advantage of Black Friday to boost sales," says Lee.  

Tattoos and sex shop

Attention is drawn to the growing demand for tattoos on sale. "Times change and so does culture. It is natural, therefore, that people also scour the internet looking for discounts on this type of service. Today, tattooing the body is absolutely common, and not just among young people. So we cannot say that this fact is a surprise, but rather that it is a heated market, "says Lee.

Another term that begins to appear more frequently allied to searches for Black Friday is 'sex shop', in addition to products related to this type of trade. For the CEO of Simplex, it is natural that the internet becomes the major sales channel for these products, as many consumers are not comfortable visiting physical stores. For Lee, the main e-commerces and partner stores are aware of the issues related to the commercialization of these products and the care that must be taken in relation to the shipment, which must be carried out discreetly without exposing the consumer. "As consumer confidence in these shipping precautions increases, online sales of these items tend to grow," he considers.

Black Friday now

For the founding partner of Simplex, the fact that consumers start searches related to the term 'Black Friday' as early as October indicates that e-commerces cannot waste any more time in including terms such as 'Black Friday heat', 'soon on Black Friday' or 'Black Friday is coming' on their landing pages. "This is essential so that, when we get to Black Friday week, these e-commerces are well positioned on search engines," he says. Lee reinforces that insertions of themes related to this commercial date make e-commerce considered, by search engines, as relevant to the consumer interested in the promotions of this sales event. "Anyone who is not well positioned on search engines the week of November 25, Black Friday date, will surely lose sales," he warns. "It is essential for e-commerces to guarantee this good positioning right away," adds Lee.

From the beginning of November, the Simplex Radar will monitor search trends for Black Friday 2022 on a weekly basis. 


Consumer already digs Black Friday products, eyeing good discounts

Consumer already digs Black Friday products, eyeing good discounts

Profile of searches carried out in the first half of October indicates that the consumer is already starting to search for products related to the term 'Black Friday'. For expert, trend points out that people are monitoring prices since the beginning of October. Electronics lead the searches.

São Paulo, October 20, 2022 - The profile of searches carried out in the first half of October, in national e-commerces, indicates that consumers have already started monitoring prices and mining the first Black Friday offers of 2022. According to data from Radar Simplex, special edition Black Friday, which monitors searches in the largest e-commerces operating in Brazil, there is a clear movement of consumers to insert the term 'Black Friday' when conducting research on products and services.

The movement indicates that consumers are already keeping an eye on the first offers of the main promotional sales date of e-commerces, which takes place this year on November 25. "We observed that in addition to starting to search for products with the term 'Black Friday', consumers are also looking for the prices of current promotions, to compare the offers of the products in which they are interested," says João Lee, founding partner of startup Simplex, specialized in increasing traffic and conversion of online sales.

This behavior also indicates that the consumer is increasingly attentive to detect and deviate from false promotions. "Consumers seek, in fact, an effective discount on products to realize the purchase," he ponders. 


The Simplex Radar, special edition, monitored the searches of the first half of October in four categories (Electronics; Home, decoration and housewares; Fashion and footwear and Entertainment) and listed in each of these categories the products that appear most in the searches made by consumers, who also added the term "Black Friday" to the name of the desired product. 

In the Electronics category, the champion products presented in conjunction with the term 'Black Friday' are cell phones. "The deployment of 5G technology across the country has contributed greatly in this regard," says Lee. Then there are notebooks, Smart TVs, video game consoles and e-readers, such as the Kindle. In the Home, Decoration and Housewares category, Black Friday searches are primarily directed at refrigerators, followed by airfryers, microwaves, sofas and closets. In Fashion and Footwear, sneakers lead searches from sports brands to more casual brands, followed by bags, flip-flops, bikinis and sandals. Finally, in Entertainment, the most searched were streaming channels such as Netflix, Globo Play, Amazon Prime and Disney Plus.

Other products also begin to emerge with greater intensity in searches in conjunction with the term 'Black Friday', such as tires, drinks (whiskey, beer and wine), perfumes, makeup, jewelry, bicycles, airline tickets, travel packages, coupons for snacks and even diapers.


For the founding partner of Simplex, searches related to the term 'Black Friday', detected in the first half of October, already indicate the main trends of this year-end promotions. And they are a warning to e-commerces about the importance of being well positioned on search engines if they want to make the most of the main date for national e-commerce. "It is important that websites already launch landing pages related to these products that we highlight with terms such as 'Black Friday heat', 'soon on Black Friday' or 'Black Friday is coming' and other variations. This increases the chances of the page being very well ranked at the height of the Black Friday season, which is decisive in online competition, "he explains. He points out that insertions of themes related to this commercial date make e-commerce considered by search engines as relevant to consumers interested in Black Friday promotions.

In 2021, Brazilian e-commerce obtained revenues on Black Friday in the order of BRL 4.2 billion (NielsenIQ|Ebit data). The date has already surpassed the sales recorded at Christmas when considering only products sold via e-commerce. "For those who work specifically in online commerce, Black Friday has already become the most important sales date of the year. It is an excellent opportunity to leverage revenue, "says Lee.

September searches reveal products with highest sales potential on Black Friday

September searches reveal products with highest sales potential on Black Friday

Cell phone, video games and subscription to streaming channels lead the searches in the month; E-commerces need to guarantee, from now on, the best positions on search engines for their sales champions, with an eye on Black-Friday, says expert

São Paulo, September 27, 2022 - Two months before Black-Friday 2022, which this year falls on November 25, internet searches in the largest e-commerces operating in Brazil in four categories - Electronics; Home, Decoration and Housewares; Fashion and Footwear, as well as Entertainment - already give good clues as to which will be some of the sales champions of the biggest e-commerce promotions season. In September, the first special edition of the Simplex/Black Friday 2022 Radar reveals a warming of online demand for cell phones, subscription games, video game consoles, refrigerators and streaming subscriptions.

In the specific case of Electronics, the highlights of September are for cell phones and video game console, both with more than five million searches, and various notebooks, with about 2.4 million searches.

In Entertainment, the most searched have been online games, also in the range of five million searches, and streaming services, with about two million searches. In the Home and Housewares area, the products that register the highest demand are refrigerators, airfryers, wallpaper and kitchen cabinets. In Fashion and Footwear, sneakers stand out. All these items registered more than one million searches when adding the websites of the main e-commerces.

Time to populate the internet

For João Lee, founding partner of the startup Simplex, specialized in increasing traffic and online sales conversion., now is the time for e-commerces to start populating search engines with the term Black Friday and similar - such as Black Friday Heat, Black October, Black Promotions and other variations. "You need to associate your promotions with the term Black Friday, if you want to have a good position in the rankings of search engines in the coming weeks, which are critical for any retailer, in particular, for online," he warns. According to the expert, the chances of an e-commerce page being better ranked at the height of the Black Friday season in eight weeks' time are already increased. And there's more. "When an online retailer inserts themes related to the term Black Friday, search engines favor it, as they consider it relevant to consumers interested in promotions, positioning their pages better," he details.

Other care

Lee warns e-commerce businesses to avoid making major changes or structural alterations to the site in the run-up to or even during Black Friday. "The greater the stability of a page right away, the better it can take advantage of the benefits of cachethat is, that storage layer that memorizes the main characteristics of a page and allows its upload to take place at high speed ", he explains. This does not mean that the content of the pages cannot be updated over time as Black Friday approaches. "Information such as price updates, product availability and shipping can be changed, without Google considering these changes as a whole new page. In practice, if the page is old and highly visited, its relevance is greater for the search engine algorithm", he details.

Lee gives some tips for online retailers to better position themselves in the main promotion season, avoiding one of the deadly sins of Black Friday: slow page loading. A few milliseconds of slowness are enough to bring down the positioning of pages on search engines, compromising their exposure to consumers in the first places. "In this period of intense traffic, an adequate and flexible infrastructure is needed to support an absurd variation in the number of accesses with peaks that exceed the entire history of the year," he recommends. "The scalability of cloud computing and the use of a Content Delivery Network (CDN) system - which guarantees the immediate loading of cache pages during the increase in accesses - are good practices that make all the difference", he indicates.  

So much effort makes sense. On Black Friday 2021, Brazilian e-commerce totaled BRL 4.2 billion in revenue, according to data from NielsenIQ|Ebit, surpassing sales before Christmas. "For those who work specifically in online commerce, Black Friday has become the most relevant date of the whole year and deserves maximum attention to leverage revenue," says Lee.

About the Simplex Radar series Special Edition Black Friday 2022

The Special Simplex Radar uses a research tool that monitors searches in the largest e-commerces in traffic in Brazil four product categories: Electronics; Home, Decoration and Housewares; Fashion and Footwear; and Entertainment, surveying in each of them the items with the highest demand in the months of September, October and November 2022 and those with the highest growth compared to their recent history. The research also compares the online search behavior of the most searched items in October and November when they are associated with the term Black Friday. 


CI&T bets on intelligent and automated SEO

CI&T bets on smart, automated SEO to expand its brand awareness around the globe

  • To gain awareness around the world, the Brazilian multinational - a digital specialist - relied on the Sir Cache tool, from Brazilian martech Simplex, which, in just two and a half years, increased organic traffic on the company's global website by 198%.
  • Project overcame the challenge of ensuring a good end-user experience in the most diverse diverse languages and markets, including those where the preferred search engines of choice are not Google.

São Paulo, February 2022 - The marketing manual says that a well-done SEO - Search Engine Optimization - is a key ingredient to achieve brand awareness. And CI&T, a Brazilian multinational digital specialist for major brands such as AB Inbev, Bradesco, Coca-Cola, Google, Itaú, Johnson & Johnson and Nestlé, chose to do it with state-of-the-art tools. Three years ago, it hired Simplex, a Brazilian martech, which specializes in increasing website traffic and conversion by adopting features such as artificial intelligence and process automation. The experience was so promising that CI&T adopted the same solution used in Brazil - Sir Cache, a tool that works to optimize websites and SEO traffic - on its global website. In the process, it witnessed an increase in its organic traffic across the company's various global sites of 198%.

"At that time, we decided to unify the company's website in all countries as part of our movement to think globally and act locally, unifying the perception of the CI&T brand as a global brand", explains João Vitor Ferreira, Marketing Manager at CI&T. "In this context, an SEO project using process automation and artificial intelligence was fundamental," he says. According to him, the choice of Simplex for the project was because "we had already signed a partnership previously with promising results and we were confident in scaling the project globally in partnership with Simplex".

The SEO improvement obtained by CI&T in the period is measurable. The growth curve from June 2019, when the project started, to January 2022, went from 6,534 organic accesses, to 19,509, according to SEMRush data. This expansion goes hand in hand with the growth of CI&T, which in recent years has won the world, made acquisitions (including Dextra) and successfully debuted on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: CINT).

Team integration - The entire SEO project was closely monitored by CI&T's IT team in the various countries where the company has a presence. "The integration of the teams and the transfer of knowledge from the Simplex team to CI&T professionals in several countries was one of the determining factors for strengthening the partnership between the companies", believes Marcos Arantes, founding partner of Simplex.

According to Arantes, the project, which has already reached a global level, took into account several aspects of SEO, such as a website with many language options. SEO concepts were also applied to websites in China, Japan, New Zealand and Australia. "Asian countries do not have such a large predominance of Google in the share share as here. In Japan, the share share of Yahoo and Bing is not so insignificant, and in China there is a completely unique system, Baidu". We had to adapt the SEO criteria so that it could work with the other search engines in those markets," he explains. In this context, Sir Cache was a determining factor for a good SEO response. "In the case of Baidu, there is a much higher requirement than Google, for example, for pages to load faster and Sir Cache was decisive in the project."

According to the Simplex executive, the Sir Cache implementation project took about 15 hours. "We implemented it first on the Brazilian website, and then we did the rollout, which was a very simple process," he concludes. 


About CI&T

CI&T is a global digital expert, and end-to-end digital transformation partner for more than 50 large corporations and fast-growing enterprises. As digital natives, we bring a 27-year track record of accelerating business impact through complete and scalable digital solutions. With a global presence in 8 countries with a business model of nearshore deliveryCI&T is the Employer of Choice for over 6,000 professionals in strategy, data science, design and engineering, leveraging revenue growth, driving consumer experiences and increasing operational efficiency for its clients.

Leroy Merlin Italy accelerated its online presence and generated pages quickly.

Leroy Merlin Italy accelerated its online presence and generated pages quickly.

The project brought us the opportunity to work with different teams and departments.

Traffic was one of the main drivers for the company's e-commerce growth.

The project began in 2018 when Leroy Merlin Italia started its e-commerce acceleration project with traffic being one of the main guidelines for growth. One of the most important points for the company was to strengthen visibility in search engines.

What sparked the company's interest in hiring Simplex was the proposed approach, both based on planning and execution mode. The project started with a full site audit and addressed the more technical part of the indexing aspect of the site. Then, the integration and on-boarding of the business teams was initiated to increase visibility.

Another important part of Leroy Italia's decision, was the scalability that Indexa achieves. This allowed us to see from the outset the solution's potential to accelerate our presence and generate pages at a much faster pace than if we had to generate them manually.

"That was the really impressive part and feature of the solution. I mean, we can now, with a scalable tool, get more market share in the search business and that's really what makes the difference for us. I would say that having a solution that automates our ability to get more and more incremental search engine traffic is what makes the difference."
Luigi Cuviello, Digital Marketing & Content Strategy Leroy Merlin Italia.

SEO is a company-wide job, and this project allowed us to unite various parts of the company. Starting with the business team, such as the merchandising team. Also included was internal search project manager, as there is a big connection between Indexa and internal search aspects of the website. Technical teams were also involved in the project in addition to the entire traffic team to ensure visibility and measure the performance of the solution.

With this partnership, we have achieved two great results after one year. Thanks to the competence of the Leroy and Indexa teams, we have delivered more than 65,000 indexed pages to date. And, these pages, are responsible today for about 8% of the SEO traffic.

Another important aspect is the virtuous cycle that the solution generates. Because effective results in the search engine are linked to high quality results in the internal search engine. So the two parts form a virtuous cycle that generates more and more value for the company as a whole. So the economic value that Indexa brings by creating pages in this automated way brings a benefit of at least €90,000 per month. And that's a growing number.

"Basically, we look at it in terms of direct impact as a way to get more traffic. But from a financial point of view, it's a way to save money in the long run because we don't need to create paid campaigns to get that long-tail traffic."
Luigi Cuviello, Digital Marketing & Content Strategy Leroy Merlin Italia.

Data integration and statistical models from Simplex allow Bunge to optimize its marketing budget

Simplex's data integration and statistical models allow Bunge to optimize its marketing budget

  • Specialized marketing startup uses algorithms to predict with 75% accuracy the impact of offline and online campaigns

São Paulo, October 7, 2020 - Bunge, one of the largest agribusiness and food companies in the world, can already predict how the sales of its brands will behave throughout the year, based on the marketing investment made in each region of the country.

The capability is the result of a project conducted with the start-up Simplex, which integrated the history of three years of 10 different databases - ranging from sales results over time, investments made in different media, product participation in points of sale, retail prices, and demand forecasts, to the regional advance rates of the Covid-19 pandemic. The project went further. Another of its pillars was the development of a tool to automate the application of statistical models on this sea of data in order to enable scenario forecasting.

"Today we are not only able to measure the results that TV, radio, or digital media campaigns have had on sales, but we already have an algorithm that predicts, with 75% accuracy, what the ROI (return on investment) of future campaigns will be in each region of the country," celebrates João Galoppi, head of Digital Marketing at Bunge.

According to the executive, the accuracy of the predictions tends to increase, since the statistical predictive models adopted are improved through artificial intelligence as they are used. For him, one of the biggest challenges in his area was to understand why a campaign worked so well in one place and not in another. And, of course, whether the marketing budget had been well dosed among the various media available. "Obviously, we had some assumptions. But today, on the contrary, we have organized data and the innumerous possible crossings", he highlights. According to the executive, Bunge today is already able to identify, in detail, the weight that the price increase in a certain market has in neutralizing the marketing efforts that were destined to that region. Or to see the peculiarity of a certain market and how its consumer or buyer reacts - since they are not always the same person - as a result of promotions or advertisements. 

Galoppi argues that, especially in the current scenario, optimizing the investment based on data is the most efficient way to overcome the crisis and increase the marketing budget's potential reach. "Simplex was decisive in this process given its expertise in predictive statistical models and the development of the tool that allows us to see the whole scenario through intuitive dashboards," he summarizes.

Data under the magnifying glass

The integration and cross-referencing of information was done on 10 different databases, taking into account both the advertising and marketing databases and the databases for physical sales channels. Among the various information gathered and organized, Galoppi enumerates the audience points of the campaigns carried out, the cost of online and offline campaigns, the participation of each type of campaign, the total number of impressions and clicks. On another front, Nielsen data were also surveyed, such as the brand's volume and share on retail shelves, the months in which Bunge advertised, and the periods in which it carried out marketing actions aimed at the offline sales channels.

"What we have in our hands today is better grounded decision making," guarantees Galoppi. For the person responsible for Digital Marketing at Bunge, Simplex' participation in the process was decisive: the start-up allowed more speed to the work developed. "We concluded our plan in less than 6 months", he celebrates. For the executive, another success factor of the initiative was the work of a multidisciplinary team, including a dozen people, from advertising professionals to chemical engineers, and involving several areas of the company, which gave a richer and more diversified view of the challenges posed.

"In digital markets everything can be measured, from the first click to the conclusion of the purchase, it is possible to invest in media with precision and be able to calculate your ROI (Return Over Investment). And a great challenge, achieved here, was to effectively do the same in offline media", explains João Lee, director of Simplex. His greatest satisfaction with the project, he says, is to see that algorithms and data already support several other areas of the company to better understand the market behavior.

About Bunge

Bunge (NYSE: BG) is a global leader in sourcing, processing and delivering grain and oilseed products and ingredients. Founded in 1818, Bunge fuels a growing world by creating sustainable products and opportunities for more than 70,000 farmers and their consumers around the world. The company is headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, and has 24,000 employees who stand behind more than 350 port terminals, oilseed processing plants, grain silos, and food and ingredient production and packaging facilities around the world.

 About Simplex

Founded in 2017 by e-commerce professionals, Simplex has positioned itself as a SaaS (Software as a Service) company to increase e-commerce traffic and sales conversion with simple implementations. The company has more than 20 clients in markets such as Brazil, France and Italy.



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European DIY leader has engaged a solution that generates high volume of qualified organic traffic.

European DIY leader has engaged a solution that generates high volume of qualified organic traffic.

Simplex generated a high volume of qualified organic traffic.

  • UX is essential and the most critical aspect is to match customer expectations with the best offer;
  • Providing relevance at scale for long-tail searches has been an unsolved challenge for a long time;
  • Progress on the machine learning-based system has enabled Simplex to develop a technology solution;
  • Indexa is a landing page generation system designed by Simplex that integrates all SEO best practices,
  • After a year with Indexa at a major European DIY provider, non-branded keyword traffic increased by 15%, equivalent to a monthly ad spend of €900,000.
  • SEO traffic requires good content and compliance with Google's recommended practices;
  • Through its many benefits, SEO remains the investment with the most significant impact and the most effective ROI.

Simplex has developed a solution that generates high volumes of qualified organic traffic for a leading European DIY global player in two of its largest markets.

Delivering what the consumer wants, at the right time, and to the highest quality standards in content is essential to succeed in the digital space. Brands need to develop the ability to create valuable customer experiences and optimise their online presence to connect with those who are looking for them or a need they can fulfil.

Traffic is critical to any e-commerce operation. For DIY companies, according to SimilarWeb, organic traffic is the biggest source of audience (44%), higher than direct traffic (36%) and SEM (12%).

All ecommerce sales generation starts with the site's audience or incoming traffic, and the overall level of revenue is directly correlated to traffic levels. This European DIY world leader chose Indexa from Simplex, to increase organic traffic, the most extensive channel and the one with the most substantial untapped potential.

The solution analyses all customer search behaviour on the website and identifies traffic generation opportunities. With proprietary artificial intelligence and machine learning-based systems, landing pages are built to the highest standards ideal for search engine indexing. By meeting these higher standards of customer experience and advanced search engine optimization (SEO) requirements, these pages can attract high traffic volume and higher conversion rates at a lower cost.

For this major global player and Europe's leading DIY brand, a partnership with Simplex proved to be a lucrative opportunity. It meant they would improve organic traffic and domain relevance at a scalable rate, without requiring additional resources or burdening the development team.

According to SEMRush data, as of April 2020, Indexa was responsible for up to 3.5 million monthly sessions or 15% of all organic traffic. The estimated monthly acquisition cost (equivalent to Adwords) for that traffic is €900,000. To date, Simplex 's software has created around 110,000 landing pages that have generated this additional traffic.

Additional traffic from Indexa

In just over a year, Simplex was able to help this European global DIY brand better target its media investments, improve customer experience, increase traffic, conversion rate and qualified leads by creating thousands of search engine best practice compliant landing pages.

Incremental traffic of Indexa in total traffic 

With the phasing out of third-party cookies from browsers, retargeting strategies will be significantly affected, compromising brand traffic acquisition. And as direct response investment grows, so will CPCs.

SEO traffic will be split between the players who strive to produce the best mix of content and who work in compliance with Google to meet user searches.

Focusing on SEO to generate accurate content for key phrases also creates SEM opportunities to buy paid traffic with a lower CPC. With SEM (Search Engine Marketing) being the only way to increase traffic instantly, SEO landing pages are an excellent lever to accelerate with a more substantial ROI.

Sites with strong SEO also benefit in SEM, with a significantly lower CPC and higher conversions thanks to high-quality pages. Strong SEO also reduces reliance on SEM: brands don't need to buy traffic when they already rank well in natural search results. This saves the SEM budget or allows them to invest more.

Google Webmaster Blog says:

"Great on-page experiences allow people to do more and engage more deeply; on the other hand, a poor on-page experience can prevent a person from finding valuable information on a page. By adding on-page experience to the hundreds of signals Google considers when ranking search results, our goal is to help people more easily access the information and pages they're looking for, and to support site owners in providing an experience that users enjoy." Google Webmaster Central Blog)[1]

SEO traffic is the most qualified traffic because Google is directing users to the best available combination of relevance, trust, speed and device compatibility. Strong SEO visibility in top searches is also the best way to stay "featured" for customers. It's the key to brand recognition.

Organisations have no choice but to work smarter to develop their traffic quality. Search engine optimization, among its many benefits, is the strategy with the most reliable ROI. Being a zero-sum game, there is only one top position at the expense of the competitor.

[1] Source:

Buscapé managed to improve its SEO and presents weekly growth

Buscapé managed to improve its SEO and presents weekly growth

Simplex solutions generate weekly growth in visits

Buscapé is one of the largest price search engines in Latin America with a huge variety of products registered, but even as a market giant, the company presented the challenge of increasing organic visits to their website. In other words, they needed to further improve SEO, which stands for "Search Engine Optimization", that is, optimization for search engines, which is nothing more than to enhance the positioning in which your site is displayed from organic results (not paid) in search engines.

Despite several efforts, due to the great competition, Buscapé was facing problems to further improve its SEO results. This can be explained by the advances in competitiveness of the market scenario and the various changes in search engine algorithms, in this scenario the results obtained by Buscapé were not satisfactory for the company. The SEO trend was not growing, which means that as time went by the site was struggling to stay in the lead.

Strategic work

To further improve this SEO scenario, Buscapé, in conjunction with Simplex, developed a strategy, divided into 2 stages. The first consisted of aligning the company's practices with the recommendations and best practices of the major search engines. With this first step accomplished and the scenario of over 20 million Buscapé SKUs, we implemented the Indexawhich enabled the automatic creation of landing pages capable of making the site as efficient as possible and with the best customer experience.

Simplex's technology helped Buscapé understand their customers even better. Cerebro was instrumental in further optimizing team time, resources and budget. It can look at a very large number of KPIs and synthesize a universe of information, giving teams more time to look at other relevant and important projects.

Focus on results

The evolution of the Buscapé project has been impressive and incredible results have been achieved. According to SEMrush, an online visibility analytics and marketing services company with public results, the number of monthly visits in June 2018, when we started the project with the Indexa, was just over 16 million, in April 2019, that number rose to over 21 million. In that almost 1 year, the Indexa created more than 187,000 landing pages, according to Google

Buscapé is one of the largest price comparators in Latin America, with more than 20 million products registered. Maintaining a site with the best experience for all products is a complex task.

Focus on SEO and investment

In two years Simplex was able to help Buscapé create landing pages in compliance with search engine best practices. This helped them better target media investments, improve customer experience on the site, improve conversion per visit, and increase traffic with qualified leads, all with the same team size, increasing sales and reducing costs.

Buscapé is one of the biggest success stories in Brazil. The company emerged in 1998 when four friends realized that if you wanted to buy something over the internet, you had to spend hours in front of the computer, opening different pages of different shops and even visiting physical shops. There was no place that displayed prices for the same product across multiple shops.
Today, with 20 years of operation, Buscapé remains among the leaders in its segment, offering a range of services to its more than 15 million highly engaged monthly users, such as price history, list of favorite products, price drop alerts and purchase protection up to R$ 5 thousand.

Mobly generates pages that will have greater relevance to customers.

Mobly generates pages that will have greater relevance to customers.

Simplex creates pages with the products that will be most relevant to customers.

In recent months, thousands of landing pages have been generated and increased organic traffic.

Indexa solution, with predictive model, creates online pages with the products that will be most relevant for customers in the coming days; in the last fourteen months, more than 60,000 landing pages were generated, responsible for a 20% increase in organic traffic

Mobly - a technology startup that operates in the furniture and decoration items retail sector - has created almost 60,000 high-performance landing pages based on artificial intelligence over the last fourteen months. The innovation is already responsible for a quarter of traffic from organic searches not related to the brand, 20% of total organic traffic of the site and 15% of total clicks. Behind the results is the Indexa platform, from Simplex, a startup with solutions aimed at increasing traffic and sales conversion.

"The Indexa platform is able to anticipate the searches of tens of thousands of consumers, as it has an information database that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning-based systems to arrive at the most used keywords in consumer searches" explains Victor Hirai, Mobly's Performance Marketing Manager.

Search engines

The platform creates, in milliseconds, product catalogue pages with the same visual interface as Mobly, without the consumer noticing the difference between the traditional pages of the site and the automated ones. All are generated according to Google's best practices, so that they are better positioned and indexed according to the search engine's algorithm.

According to the Performance Marketing manager, the new technology allowed Mobly's e-commerce to see an increase in the relevance of the domain - which now has a better indexation in Internet search engines - and a growth in traffic on the other pages of the site.

Hirai says the system is still in a learning phase. "Since January, when we started, our revenue from traffic generated by the Indexa platform has been growing. We believe it has the potential to scale up to 10% of the site's revenue already in the coming months," he estimates. This will represent close to a third of the site's organic searches.

When it comes down to it, the company benefited from additional savings. If Mobly had bought the traffic generated by Indexa from adwords (paid internet media) it would have spent the equivalent of R$ 850 thousand. "For us, however, the most important thing is not so much the possibility of reducing the investment in paid media, but rather that of generating extra revenue for the company," the executive stresses. "The revenue generated by the platform simply did not exist before", he emphasises.

Focus on SEO

For Hirai, Simplex played a strategic role in the deployment of Indexa at Mobly. "His team made us see the importance of pursuing improvements for the expansion of organic traffic. Now the whole company is oriented in this direction, from IT to sales to development," says the Performance Marketing manager. "Everyone, continuously, has been concerned with a better SEO, from the creation of the name of a product, to its description and the description of its image on the site," he informs.

João Lee, founder of Simplex, reinforces the importance of a strong SEO: "When we deliver to the final consumer an online page with a product that is exactly what they are looking for, we improve their experience and make the e-commerce brand increasingly relevant on the internet. In addition, we also achieve a better sales conversion rate. This way, both sides of the counter - consumer and e-commerce - are winners.

Buy anytime, anywhere

Buy anytime, anywhere

Buy anytime, anywhere

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Buy anytime, anywhere; this is the Contextual Commerce motto. It's like there's a buy button at your service full-time. Consumers can buy as they scroll through unrelated content or are merely living their daily lives. For retailers, there are a few tactics that can help you fulfill your contextual commerce strategy.

1. Be everywhere.

You need to understand your public. Figure out ways to meet customers where they are. What do they do? What do they enjoy? Rather than attempting to draw them into existing transactional structures, you discover what your consumers like to suit their mood and place better.

2. Be smooth, don't be obvious

It's essential to be seamless. The purchasing process should be as invisible as possible. A good thing to have in mind is that the purchasing process has nothing to do with shopping.

Who never stood in an endless queue, cast the first stone. Or having a call dropped after being on hold forever? These situations are part of some traditional transaction methods. And they're full of pain. Contextual Commerce is not about the purchase; it's about the experience.

3. It is not just for tech's sake.

Technology can and will help you understand your customers' pains. But, like almost everything, you need to understand each purchase step carefully. Something that works for your friend will not necessarily work for you. There is a multitude of options quickly available for any category and transaction phase. But there is no point in hiring everything that exists, as you need to examine your business and understand your data to choose the one that best suits your reality.

4. Treat your visitor like the queen they are.

We all like to be treated well, obviously. When you have a pleasant experience with a retailer, the odds are that - when given a chance - you'll buy at that shop again are higher. That means people are more likely to be loyal customers if the experience is good. Of course, other things are evaluated when buying something, like price. But, if you only depend on price, you don't have a loyal audience.

"Contextual Commerce" is the buzzword of the moment but is not necessarily new. It doesn't fundamentally mean technology, but it is undoubtedly a powerful fuel. When you use technology, you can better understand something about your client before they do, and then you might be able to help without requesting it. We already see a lot of contextual Commerce, and the market is fast-evolving in implementing it seamlessly. We can already buy inside social media, and that's a great win for consumers.

If you are not there yet on your company, and what you are reading seems a little far away. Don't worry; changing the existing habits of the company is the starter for this kind of digital transformation. And it has to be a top-down culture change that includes the whole company.