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Black Friday: decorations and books surprise and emerge among the ten most sought after items in the first week of November

Electronics top the list of the ten products most sought after by consumers, combined with the term 'Black Friday,' in the first week of November. Decorations, sofas and books surprise and make up the other items in the relationship, points Radar Simplex.

São Paulo, November 4, 2022 - Electronics are undoubtedly the products that arouse the greatest interest from consumers on Black Friday, with cell phones being by far the most sought after item, followed by notebooks and appliances, such as refrigerators and air fryers. However, other products also seek space among the stars of the main national e-commerce consumption date and surprise, such as decorative items, sofas and books, which appear among the ten items that most aroused the interest of consumers in the first week of November. This is what Radar Simplex points out, special edition Black Friday, a survey that monitors the searches carried out by consumers in the largest e-commerces operating in Brazil, in relation to the first week of November (see list of items at the end of the article).

"We always have the expectation that at the top of searches for Black Friday will always be electronics and one other item of clothing or footwear, but books and decorations being on the list was definitely surprising," says João Lee, CEO and founding partner of Simplex. 

Lee believes that items such as decorations and sofas may be somehow linked to the increase in home-office in the country. "It is quite possible that the fact that people spend more time at home stimulates the search for home comfort items and that contribute to making the home environment more pleasant," he ponders. "The significant search for books is something really unusual," he adds. Lee points out that e-readers, although not among the ten most sought after items, also register a good placement, among the 15 most desired items. "It is always good to see books and e-readers among the most sought after items," he says. 

Attention to ranking

But it is not only the products that arouse greater interest in consumers that e-commerces should be aware of. Companies also need to be alert to the positioning (ranking) on search engines, such as Google and Bing. 

According to Simplex's CEO, it is urgent that companies already insert terms related to Black Friday on their landing pages to be well ranked on these sites. "Those who have not done so are surely already late and at serious risk of reaching Black Friday without having achieved a good position on search engines. And that can be fatal to sales, "he warns. The main e-commerce sales event takes place this year on November 25th. 

Companies that have already included words and terms related to Black Friday on their landing pages should now avoid making major changes to these pages, as this may be "understood" by search engines as a new page and it may lose ranking. "There are no problems with making small adjustments, but more significant changes to landing pages and titles can cause loss of ranking. You have to be aware of this ", highlights Lee.    

List of the ten most searched items together with the term "Black Friday" in the first week of November. Source: Radar Simplex

  1. Cell phones
  2. Notebooks
  3. Refrigerators
  4. Air Fryers
  5. Sneakers (shoes)
  6. TVs
  7. Decorations
  8. Sofas
  9. Washing machines
  10. Books

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