Lula's popular car program boosts searches for HB20 and Onix in June

A survey conducted by startup Simplex in the retail trade also highlights an increase in Brazilian interest in astigmatism, due to the Violet June. 

São Paulo, July 2023. In the month of the implementation of the government's measure to encourage the purchase of popular cars, two vehicle models appeared in the ranking of the ten items most searched for by Brazilians on the Internet. This is according to the June edition of Radar Simplex, a survey created by the Franco-Brazilian startup Simplex, which monitors searches made by consumers on the largest e-commerce sites in Brazil and captures trends through an artificial intelligence platform. The Hyundai HB20 came in second place in the survey, with an increase of +933% compared to May, while the Onix, from General Motors, came in seventh place, with an increase of 305%. 

The result is in line with data released by the National Federation of Motor Vehicle Distribution (Fenabrave), in which both cars are on the list of best sellers in June. "Not always the intention to buy converts into sales. But in this specific case, the government's discount program is already reflected concretely in the market," says João Lee, CEO of Simplex, a pioneer in the technological approach of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to increase qualified online traffic, conversion and sales on the Internet. 

Concern for eye health is also highlighted 

At the top of the Simplex Radar, the term astigmatism was the champion of searches, showing growth of 1,205% compared to the previous month. The increase in interest in the vision problem occurred amid the June Violet campaign, dedicated to the awareness and prevention of eye diseases, especially keratoconus - a deformity in the cornea of the eyes that can generate an irregular degree of astigmatism that is difficult to correct. 

"The expressive increase indicates the good reach of the campaign, resulting in the demand for items related to eye health," says João. 

Searches for sneakers and Pinscher dogs also appear in the top 10 most searched items on the internet, in what the startup believes is a reflection of Valentine's Day.  

Check below the complete ranking with the ten items that most aroused the interest of Brazilians in June and their respective growth compared to May:

1 - Astigmatism (+1.205%)

2 - HB20 2023 (+933%)

3 - Tennis (+853%)

4 - Projector (+380%)

5 - Pinscher (+361%)

6 - Electronic Lock (+307%)

7 - Onix (+305%)

8 - Scoliosis (+294%)

9 - Pre-workout (+ 291%)

10 - Monster High (+282%)