Unlike Black Friday, searches for the term Cyber Monday have no relevance in Brazil

Unlike Black Friday, searches for the term Cyber Monday have no relevance in Brazil

Despite the expressive adhesion of the Brazilian to Black Friday, Cyber Monday, which takes place on the Monday after the big retail date, has no significant searches on the internet, points out Radar Simplex

São Paulo, November 29, 2022 - Brazilians did not get seduced or search for Cyber Monday promotions this year, despite their expressive adherence to Black Friday, two days earlier. At least that is what can be seen when comparing searches for the two terms carried out by consumers on the internet. The data are from Radar Simplex, special edition Black Friday, a survey that monitors the searches carried out by consumers in the largest e-commerces operating in Brazil.  

Black Friday gained visibility in the United States in the 1980s, as a promotion for the liquidation of stocks in physical stores. Cyber Monday started to gain relevance at the beginning of the 21st century (2005), basically focused on e-commerce sales of electronic products. "As in Brazil Black Friday has already emerged with a character more focused on e-commerce, for Brazilians the two dates are practically the same", says João Lee, CEO and founding partner of Simplex.        

In fact, the searches carried out by the term Cyber Monday this year, when compared to those carried out by the term Black Friday, are practically non-existent. "Unlike what happened mainly in the months of September and October, when we saw the systematic growth of searches for products aggregated to the term Black Friday, we did not see searches for products aggregated to the term Cyber Monday, even after Black Friday," explains Lee. 

For the CEO and founder of Simplex, in Brazil, Black Friday, due to the anticipation of promotions by stores, is already losing the character of a specific date. "Especially e-commerces in Brazil have started, each year, to anticipate Black Friday promotions a little more. Result: today we practically have Black November, that is, a whole month of promotions. And, in this context, Cyber Monday, very relevant in other markets, is completely emptied in Brazilian retail", he considers.

No change

The Simplex Radar also recorded that, after Black Friday, the products that aroused the greatest consumer interest during the sales event remained among the most sought after. On Sunday, 27, the ten products most sought after by consumers were exactly the same as on Black Friday, with only a few changes in position. The most significant change was the reduction in demand for notebooks, which fell by almost 51%. As a result, the item lost positions on the list of most wanted. 

Other electronics also registered a drop in searches on Sunday, such as video game consoles (-8.3%) and air conditioners (-34%). Sneakers, decorations and clothing practically maintained similar rates of searches by consumers. Smartphones, the stars of Black Friday, remained firm in first place in searches. See below the comparative table between the most sought after items on Black Friday and the most sought after products on Sunday, the 27th.   

Black Friday

Sunday 27th

1. Cell phones

1. Cell phones

2. Notebooks

2. TVs

3. Refrigerators

3. Refrigerators

4. TVs

4. Tennis

5. Sneakers (shoes)

5. Notebooks

6. Air Fryers

6. Air Fryers

7. Decorations

7. Clothes

8. Air-conditioning units

8. Decorations

9. Video game consoles

9. Video game consoles

10. Clothes

10. Air-conditioning units

Cell phones, laptops and refrigerators lead Black Friday searches today

Cell phones, laptops and refrigerators lead Black Friday searches today 

Products are the most sought after by consumers in the early hours of the main retail date; search for the term "promotion" increased by almost 300% compared to the days leading up to Black Friday, points out Radar Simplex

São Paulo, November 25, 2022 - Mobile phones, notebooks and refrigerators are the products most sought after by consumers in the first hours of this Black Friday, which officially started at zero hour this Friday, 25. In practice, smartphones are by far the product that arouses the greatest interest from consumers, registering a volume of searches that is equivalent to almost double that registered by the second and third placed on the list, notebooks and refrigerators - which are practically tied. The data are from Radar Simplex, special edition Black Friday, a survey that monitors the searches carried out by consumers in the largest e-commerces operating in Brazil. dd

The other items that are with intense searches in the first hours of Black Friday are TVs, sneakers (shoes), and air fryers, the last two of which are maintaining search rates very similar to those recorded in the days leading up to the sales event (see list at the end of the text). 

Regarding TVs, the first hours of Black Friday indicate a small drop in searches for this item when compared to last week's data (-6%) and increased demand for refrigerators (14%). For João Lee, CEO and founding partner of Simplex, this movement indicates that part of consumers, due to the FIFA World Cup, preferred to anticipate the purchase of TV sets. "By the way, many people did not want to wait until the day of Black Friday and preferred to guarantee the new TV to watch the first game of Brazil, which, by the way, debuted yesterday with a good victory and playing well!", He celebrates.  

As for the leadership of cell phones, this was already expected, and indicates that smartphones are undoubtedly the big stars of the 2022 shopping event. "Since the beginning of the special monitoring of Black Friday, in October, cell phones have led the list among the most sought after products. Without a doubt, it is the main object of desire for consumers today ", he points out.

Lee also points out that Black Friday does not live only of electronics. "Sneakers and decorations remained among the most sought after products in the four weeks leading up to Black Friday, that is, they showed firm consumer interest," he stresses.

One item that registered a significant increase in searches carried out in the first hours of Black Friday, although without entering the list of the ten most sought after, were toys, which grew 263% compared to last week's data. "The phenomenon suggests that many people intend to use Black Friday to anticipate the purchase of gifts for children at Christmas. It cannot be ruled out that, part of the interest in decorations, is also aimed at the end of the year parties ", he points out.

Promotion and Google Trends

It is noteworthy this week that the terms "promotion", "offer" and "discount" grew 289% when compared to the days leading up to the sales event. Already, the search for "Black Friday", which had grown more than 300% in the third week of November, compared to the previous week, maintained an equivalent search rate in the 48 hours leading up to Black-Friday. That is, this Friday, the order of the day is the mining for last-minute opportunities for the main online retail date.

Lee points out that Google Trends points out an interesting fact: the search for "Black Friday" in the search giant this year has already surpassed the searches carried out during the same period last year. For the CEO of Simplex, this indicates that there is growth in consumer interest in Black Friday this year. "In the last twelve months there has been a drop in the unemployment rate in the country, which probably contributed to the increase in interest this year. But, as much of today's purchases will be paid in the coming months, this also denotes consumer confidence in the future, "ponders Lee.  


Ten items most sought after by consumers in the early hours of Black Friday 2022. Source: Simplex Radar.

1. Cell phones
2. Notebooks
3. Refrigerators
4. TVs
5. Sneakers (shoes)
6. Air Fryers
7. Decorations
8. Air-conditioning units
9. Video game consoles
10. Clothes

Black Friday - Searches for TVs skyrocket as Brazil's World Cup debut nears

Black Friday - Searches grow for cell phones, TVs and air conditioners

A few days before Brazil's first game in the FIFA World Cup, searches for TVs grow 96%. Searches for soccer team shirts also increased in the third week of November, points out Radar Simplex.

São Paulo, November 18, 2022 - A few days before Brazil's debut at the FIFA World Cup in Qatar, on November 24, the eve of this year's Black Friday, searches for TVs of all types and sizes registered, in the third week of November, 96% growth when compared to the previous week. The product, which last week was in the sixth position among the most sought after, now occupies the second position, behind only cell phones, absolute champions in consumer searches for Black Friday. Another item that registered a significant increase in searches was soccer team shirts (61%), probably driven by the World Cup. The data are from Radar Simplex, special edition Black Friday, a survey that monitors weekly searches carried out by consumers in the largest e-commerces operating in Brazil. 

Other products that registered significant growth in searches were microwaves (166%) and clothes (151%). In the case of cell phones and smartphones, despite the stability in searches, it is worth noting that the demand for the various models of Iphone represent almost 40% of the total. Other electronics, such as refrigerators, air fryers and video game consoles maintained search rates similar to those of the previous week (see list at the end of the report).

"It is interesting to note that, as the start of the World Cup approaches, consumer interest in TVs and other football-related items grows. We believe this will continue until Black Friday," says João Lee, CEO and founding partner of Simplex. Despite the growth in searches for TVs, Lee considers that they should not quantitatively overcome searches for cell phones, which historically are the big stars of Black Friday. "This year we have screen devices (cell phones, TVs and notebooks) in the top three places in consumer interest. It will not be for lack of screen options that the fan will no longer accompany Brazil in the World Cup, "he jokes.

Lee also considers that the permanence of decoration items among the ten most sought after in the first three weeks of November is justified, in large part, by the maintenance of the home-office after the Covid-19 pandemic. "The home-office is here to stay, so it is natural that people are concerned with making the home environment more pleasant and welcoming," he believes.

The CEO of Simplex also stresses that other items that stood out at the beginning of the month, even if they are not on the list of the ten most sought after, continue to maintain consumer interest, such as air conditioners, sofas, books, e-readers (Kindle) and travel bags among others. 

Black Friday

Radar Simplex also monitored searches for the term "Black Friday", which registered a 330% growth in the third week of November compared to the previous week. "Since the beginning of October we have been registering queries for the term 'Black Friday', which has been growing every week. For the next few days, the trend is that searches for the term will increase even more ", he concludes.    


Comparative table with the ten most searched items in the first three weeks of November by consumers. Source: Simplex Radar.

1st week

2nd week

3rd week

1. Cell phones

2. Notebooks

3. Refrigerators

4. Air Fryers

5. Sneakers (shoes)

6. TVs

7. Decorations

8. Sofas

9. Washing machines

10. Books

1. Cell phones

2. Notebooks

3. Refrigerators

4. Sneakers (shoes)

5. Air Fryers

6. TVs

7. Decorations

8. Air-conditioning

9. Video game consoles

10. Diapers

1. Cell phones

2. TVs

3. Notebooks

4. Refrigerators

5. Sneakers (shoes)

6. Air Fryers

7. Video game consoles

8. Decorations

9. Microwave

10. Clothes

Electric motorcycles and men's goods led search growth in August

people riding bicycles

Electric motorcycles and men's goods led search growth in August  

The announcement of the launch of a low-cost electric scooter by one of the world's major automakers led to a significant increase in searches for these types of vehicles in August. Items such as men's clothing and footwear also recorded growth in searches motivated by Father's Day.

São Paulo, August 13, 2022 - The announcement made by a major automaker in the sector, about the launch of an electric motorcycle model, with a value below R $ 4 thousand, caused searches for electric scooters to skyrocket in August. Even the fact that the model, at first, is marketed only in China, with no forecast of arrival in the national market, did not discourage Brazilians. As a result, the term, which had registered in July just under two thousand searches, rose in August to more than 120 thousand, a growth of around 7,400%. 

Electric bicycles also appeared among the ten terms that proportionally grew the most over the previous month, reaching an increase of more than 900%, probably in the wake of searches for electric two-wheeled vehicles. The data is from Radar Simplex, a platform that uses artificial intelligence to monitor trends in online searches from massive data collection in 15 different segments, ranging from electronics, to pets and food. 

"We have noticed that searches for electric vehicles have been increasing in the country for some time, but seeing this movement so large for a launch in China, shows that there is real interest in this type of vehicle, even more within an affordable value range", analyzes João Lee, founding partner of Simplex. "The fact that the automaker announced that the model would be marketed below US $ 800, that is, in the range of R $ 4 thousand, a price well below the average practiced in the country for an electric scooter, certainly contributed to arouse interest in the vehicle", he adds.

Other items whose searches grew significantly in August, when compared to July, were those related to home comfort and also to renovation and construction. Aluminum windows, porcelain floors, swimming pool, security camera, lampshade and mirror are all terms that registered average growth in searches above 600%. "At the beginning of the pandemic, and most likely due to the increase in the home-office work model, we saw a growth in interest in improving the home with furniture, such as sofas, office chairs and others. Today, what we observe is that this may be deepening, with broader reforms in the property itself. These searches may also represent an increase in the civil construction sector ", ponders the founding partner of Simplex. 


Father's Day

When comparing the same periods this year with last year, men's items such as blazers and sports shoes are among those with the highest growth rate in searches, registering rates of 190% and 109% respectively. Father's Day, combined with the low temperatures recorded during the month, probably contributed to the increase in searches for these items.  


Check below the ten products whose searches grew the most in the online environment in important Brazilian e-commerces in August this year compared to July:

1st - electric scooter

2nd - drums

3rd - Lampshade

4th - aluminum window

5th - sports shoes

6th - electric bicycle

7º - porcelain floor

8th - mirror

9th - security camera

10th - Swimming pool


Also, check out the items that registered the highest increase in searches in August 2022, compared to the same month last year.

 1st - blazer

2nd -notebook

3rd - reborn baby

4th - men's tennis

5th - Women's tennis

6th - clock

7th - keyboard

8th - cell phone

9th - gamer chair

10th - computer


Father's Day, cold weather, and the end of the Covid epidemic drive up searches for men's wear in July

father and daughter paint a cardboard house

Father's Day, cold weather and end of Covid epidemic boost searches for men's items in July  


Men's coats, jackets and watches appear among the most searched items on search engines in July this year compared to the same period last year, points out Radar Simplex. Search for 4G cell phones grows compared to June, probably driven by stock liquidations.

São Paulo, August 15, 2022 - Searches for Father's Day gifts, the winter period and closet renewal for in-person life, after the most intense periods of the Covid epidemic, boosted, in July, the growth of searches for men's articles such as coats, jackets and watches. The increases were respectively in the order of 2,003%, 643% and 609%, when compared to the numbers of searches for these items recorded in the same period of 2021. The data is from Radar Simplex, a platform that uses artificial intelligence to monitor trends in online searches from the massive collection of data in 15 different segments, ranging from electronics, to pets and food. 

Cell phones with 4G technology also registered a significant increase in searches, probably motivated by the interest of users in getting good offers or liquidations of older models, given the arrival of the 5G telephone network, which has already started operating in Brasília and São Paulo, and is expected to be implemented in several states of the Federation by the end of this year. In relation to the month of June 2021, the increase in searches for these devices registered an increase of 987%. 

"In June, just before the first 5G network started operating in the country, searches fell on devices with this technology. Now we have increased searches for devices with previous technology, the 4G. Apparently this is a consumer profile that is looking for liquidations of older models for cheaper prices, "ponders John Lee, founding partner of Simplex. For him, this movement is similar to what happens when some car model goes out of line, in which consumers less attached to the most current models or technological innovations look for good deals.

Women's fashion

Not only men's fashion showed growth in searches in July. Women's wide leg pants continue to arouse interest among consumers. The model, which had already been highlighted in May, showed, in July, growth in searches both in relation to June this year (+553%), and in relation to the same period last year (+ 563%).

Other items that recorded an increase in searches in July, compared to June, were electric oven (+462%) and airfryer (+161%). This may be linked to the increase in the prices of meals away from home or even to the significant increases recorded in relation to gas in recent months.  

Check below the ten items whose searches grew the most in the online environment in important Brazilian e-commerces in July 2022, compared to the same period last year.


1st - Men's jacket

2nd - White sneakers

3rd - Blazer

4th - 4G generation cell phone

5th - Men's jacket

6th - Men's Watch

7th - Wide leg pants

8th - Bicycle

9th - Hair dryer

10th - Smartphone

Also, check out the search leaders that increased the most in July compared to June 2022:

1st - Wide leg pants

2nd - Electric oven

3rd - Blazer

4th - Men's jacket

5th - Airfryer

6th - 4G generation cell phone

7º - Wireless headset

8th - Keyboard (computer)

9th - Pet

10th - Office chair

Driven by 5G, online mobile searches skyrocket in June

person with cell phone in hand

Driven by 5G, online mobile searches skyrocket in June 


The term cell phone registered an increase in search engines of almost 6,000% compared to the same period last year; the cold and the return of the June festivities are related to the growth of online searches about costumes and slippers, points out Radar Simplex.


São Paulo, July 2022 - The start of operations of the 5G cell phone network in Brazil leveraged, in June, a strong growth in internet searches for devices enabled to operate with this new technology. The increase was in the order of 5,855%, when compared to the same period in 2021. The data are from Radar Simplex, a platform that uses artificial intelligence to monitor trends in online searches from the massive collection of data in 15 different segments, ranging from electronics, to pets and food. According to the platform's data, searches were mainly focused on entry-level or lower-priced models. 

João Lee, founding partner of Simplex, believes that the start of 5G network operations in the country, which began in Brasilia this month, has encouraged people to look for compatible devices. "Apparently, many people are already anticipating to be able to take advantage of the full potential of 5G technology, much faster, and which should be made available in the main urban centers of the country later this year", he believes.


Flags and glitter

Another item that showed a significant increase in searches in June compared to May was fantasy (3,257%). "The long-awaited return of the June festivities, after two years absent from the calendar due to the Covid pandemic, as well as the LGBTQIA+ Pride Parade, which returned to São Paulo at the end of last month, are the likely triggers for this increase", bets Lee. 

The low temperatures recorded in the Center-South region of the country in June - when, for example, the São Paulo Climate Emergency Management Center recorded 0.7 ° C in the Engenheiro Marsilac region, in the extreme south of the capital of São Paulo - in addition to Valentine's Day, are factors that may have contributed to increase searches for slippers by 2,000% compared to May. When comparing June to June last year, the same weather phenomenon may also have boosted the growth of searches for short boots (1,634%) and women's boots (1,342%).  


Back on the streets

Lee also believes that the improving picture of the Covid pandemic and the return of people to outdoor activities have driven this year's surge in searches for sports shoes, which saw a 3,300% growth in June compared to the same month in 2021.

Check below the ten items whose searches grew the most in the online environment in important Brazilian e-commerces in June 2022, compared to the same period last year:


1st - Mobile phone

2nd - Sports shoes

3rd - Honda Fit

4th - Malbec (perfume)

5º - Short boots

6th - Pre-training (supplement)

7th - Hypercaloric (supplement)

8th - Beach tennis racket

9th - Pet

10th - Women's boot


Also, check out the search leaders that increased the most in June compared to May 2022:


1st - Fantasy

2nd - Slipper

3rd - Coffee table

4th - Lip Tint

5º - Short boots

6th - Women's boot

7º - Babyliss

8º - Cold sweater

9th - Jordan (tennis)

10th - Orange squeezer


Generation Z and the rise of TikTok challenge search engines

Generation Z and the rise of TikTok challenge search engines

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes


By Carol Junqueira
Simplex Marketing & Culture Manager

Social media has triggered one of the biggest disruptive waves in human communications, perhaps only compared to Gutenberg's invention of the printing press. At the time, the possibility of rapid reproduction of books and other content encouraged literacy and stimulated the emergence of schools around the world. The circulation of information took humanity to a new level of knowledge.

It is true that radio and television have also impacted communication processes and the way communicators work. Everyone was forced to adapt to the language of these new media. This was also the case with the emergence of the internet in the late 1980s. The new digital media were disruptive and brought great challenges to communication and communicators. The situation now seems to be a little more challenging.

By giving each individual the power to speak directly to millions of people, social media has broken the entire logic of communication that has prevailed for more than a hundred years, always mediated by the media and centered on a few vehicles.

Even for technologies born in the digital age, such as search engines, which were decisive in making the internet as we know it possible, there is a cloud of uncertainty forming on the horizon caused by social media.

A few days ago, browsing TikTok, the social media typical of generation Z, I came across a post by a user who made the following comment: "Guys, do any of you still use Google to search?"

Hello? What do you mean, "yet"? Is there another tool that is threatening the search giant's lead?

The truth is that, yes, it exists. It is Generation Z, made up of digital natives born in this century, who have become accustomed to seeking information about services and products - no longer in internet searches, or in traditional sources of information. On the contrary, their preference is to get informed based on what other users, who are not always famous, say or give their opinion. For Gen Z, the opinion of those they know, or consider to know, is what counts, whatever it may be. Because influencers work with publis, there is a possibility that the professional may not even really know the product - or not use it. But a person who does not make a living from it would have no reason to lie. So their opinion and experience is valuable.

This is what the user was talking about. For her it made no sense to seek information in any other environment than social media. It's a trend that seems to be coming on strong. This did not go unnoticed by one of the geniuses of SEO and one of the most respected names in the world of digital marketing: Neil Patel. In true TikTok style, Patel recorded a 30-second video in which he suggests that this media, adored by generation Z, has the potential to soon take the lead in searches, precisely because of the behavior of its users.

It is still difficult to measure how this new behavior will impact search engines, but I am sure that the future will be increasingly focused on the quality of content created. And I don't say that thinking about complex and expensive content, but rather about the quality of it regardless of large investments. In a creative and authentic way, it is possible to engage people if the goal is to generate knowledge and not just sell something.

Surely, this new model will pose immense challenges for teams, even more so for SEO teams. We are witnessing a new disruption in search systems. So, is your company ready?

Voice search is the metaverse trend and impacts SEO

Voice search is the metaverse trend and impacts SEO

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

By Carol Junqueira
Simplex Marketing & Culture Manager

Metaverse is the most heard and discussed word in recent times, or at least, since Mark Zuckeberg disclosed that he would change the name of his company to Meta. In practical terms, the metaverse makes use of virtual and augmented reality technologies so that the user can immerse themselves in this new reality of the brave new world.

The movie Player #1, directed by Steven Spielberg and inspired by the book Ready Player One, by Ernest Cline, showed well how this would work back in 2018, when it premiered in theaters. The narrative takes place in a physical world so destroyed that people choose to live inside their consoles. If you haven't seen this movie, the nerd in me invites you to find all the references and easter eggs in the movie. But back to the focus, it - in my opinion - illustrates what to expect from the metaverse in some way.

A little further ahead, in the year 2019, we saw brands like Louis Vuitton make billions just with skins (the name given to clothes in the gaming universe) in games like League of Legends. Today, it is more common to have artists doing shows in games like Fortnite. Examples abound. We have the Americans Travis Scott, with more than 14 million fans attending the show, and DJ Marshmellow, with more than 10 million. My nephew was even attending Emicida's Fortnite concert a few weeks ago. Always at the forefront, the rapper is the first Brazilian artist to perform on the platform. 

It is already clear that the metaverse has events, parades, shows, products for the avatars and more. The focus, I believe, is a new form of social connection within various options of virtual worlds and realities. But what does this mean for the SEO universe? One of the SEO trend predictions for 2022, made by our co-founder, João Lee, is a greater focus on voice searches.

In the metaverse scene, I believe the trend is exactly that. As much as many glasses have various forms of keyboards, voice is perhaps the easiest way for some people to pursue their desires.

But, considering that we are talking about searching for something through our voices, we can think that the famous long-tail keywords - which we have advocated for years as one of the best ways to bring a good experience to the consumer - is the best strategy for this new type of experience and the adoption of good SEO practices. 

And that's exactly where the SEO team will shine. And if, by chance, this team has the help of an engine that creates pages for longtail keywords automatically and scalably, even better. More than ever, we must deliver to a specific search a result that matches that specification. And in voice, this will be more evident.

Another important aspect to consider concerns voice assistants. These tools will gain even more prominence with the metaverse, which could impact search engines and the metrics we use to measure performance. But this is a topic for an upcoming article.


Searches for wide leg pants exploded in Mother's Day month

woman and child hugging in the street

Searches for wide leg pants exploded in Mother's Day month


Also on the podium of top online searches were items such as blender, sunscreen, American bully dogs and bicycle, reveals the May Simplex Radar

São Paulo, June 2022 - The top internet searches in the month of Mother's Day were drawn from the fashion world. For the second month in a row, there was a search fever for the wide leg pant. The wide-leg is a middle ground between a pantaloon and straight jeans and led the biggest year-over-year growth in searches. In May, this item showed an impressive increase of 1,773% in the last twelve months. The result is 14% higher than that recorded in April, whose level was already high. That month, a growth of 3,022.5% was detected in online searches, compared to the same period in 2021.

This strong variation was captured by the May 2022 Simplex Radar, which uses artificial intelligence to monitor trends in online searches from massive data collection across 15 different segments, ranging from electronics to pets to food.

80-year-old companion

In the second position of the Simplex Radar of May this year is an item present in the Brazilian kitchen for at least eight decades: the good old blender, manufactured in Brazil from the forties, presented another considerable increase in searches: 1,233% compared to the same period last year. "Maybe it's linked to shopping for Mother's Day," says João Lee, founding partner of Simplex.

Third place on the May Simplex Radar is sunscreen - a product that has gone under the radar for the past two years. It returned to the scene with searches 1,143% higher than those monitored a year earlier. "This result makes perfect sense, if we remember that in May 2021 the country was at the beginning of vaccinating the population against Covid-19. At that time, the population strived to stay indoors, limiting their exposure to the outdoors and, obviously, using less sunscreen. After a year, the scenario has changed completely," says Lee.

The American bully

The Brazilian also went after information about the American bully dog breed, a pit bull variation that vaguely resembles a bulldog, and whose term in Portuguese loosely translates to "American bully". Although it has this "nickname", according to experts, this breed is loving and protective, and is considered a good companion for children. This new consumer interest saw a total traffic of close to 240,000 searches in the month, an 813% increase on the previous year's total. In fifth place we have another traditional product, but one that has been growing rapidly since the beginning of the pandemic: the bicycle. Monthly traffic to websites featuring the item exceeded 460,000 searches, an increase of 604% over the same period in 2021.


Check out the ten topics that grew the most in the online environment in May 2022 compared to the same period last year:

  1. Wide leg pants
  2. Blender
  3. Sunscreen
  4. American bully
  5. Bicycle
  6. TV 
  7. Men's jacket
  8. Women's backpack
  9. Peppa pig
  10. Alliance

Also, check out the search leaders that increased the most in May compared to April 2022

  1. Peppa pig
  2. TV
  3. Men's Watch
  4. Running putty
  5. Team shirt
  6. Shih tzu
  7. Tablet
  8. Sunscreen
  9. Caterpillar boot
  10. Blender


K-Pop phenomenon BTS tops searches in April

BTS, the K-Pop phenomenon, is the champion of online searches monitored by Simplex Radar in April.


In its new version, the Simplex Radar started to identify searches in 15 categories, among them we have articles from the fashion world

São Paulo, May 16, 2022 - Since it was created in 2013, the South Korean group BTS has gathered a legion of fans. On TikTok alone, it has more than 45 million followers worldwide. In Brazil, it is no different, as detected by Radar Simplex. Online searches for the group's name grew by 6.644,7% in April this year compared to the same month last year.

One explanation for this exponential growth is related to the news that broke during the month: the seven members of the group are likely to join the army and stay off stage for 18 months. South Korean law provides that men aged between 18 and 28 must serve in the armed forces for about two years.. "This information certainly generated curiosity and anxiety in Brazilian fans, being the probable cause for the great increase in searches related to the group, "says João Lee, founding partner of Simplex.

World fashion

Another research theme that emerged strongly among Brazilians on the internet and detected by Radar Simplex is related to the world of fashion. fashion. More precisely by the pants wide legpants, the big fashion trend. The model is a middle ground between pantaloons and straight jeans, allowing comfort and versatility to the look of consumers. Research on the style style of the time register an increase of 3,022.5% in April this year compared to the same period in 2021.

"And the growing demand for women's items also indicates that Brazilian consumers have already started their research on what to give as a gift on Mother's Day," says the entrepreneur. In third and fourth place in the April Simplex Radar ranking are women's backpacks and All Star high heels, with growth of 1,785.1% and 1,652.7% in the last year, respectively.

Simplex Radar in its new version

Lee calls attention to the new Simplex Radar, "it's a version 2.0", he jokes. Launched in 2020, the Simplex Radar uses artificial intelligence tosa artificial intelligence to capture trends in online searches on more than 1 million landing pages and had been constantly improved to identify what most interested consumers in Brazilian retail. And, as of this month, with yet another update, the total of monitored segments online has expanded to 15. Among them, electronics, pets and food. The monitoring covers all the main market places and e-commerces in the market.

In its new version, the Simplex Radar now uses a keyword search tool, enhancing the massive monitoring of data. And, in addition to the results obtained, there is also the curation of Simplex experts on the information collected.


Check below the ten topics that grew the most in the online environment in the month of April 2022:


  1. BTS

  2. Wide leg

  3. Women's backpack

  4. All Star high-top

  5. Women's jacket

  6. Men's sunglasses

  7. Women's sneakers

  8. Nike Air Max Sneakers

  9. Hilux 2021

  10. PC Gamer