A few days before Brazil's first game in the FIFA World Cup, searches for TVs grow 96%. Searches for soccer team shirts also increased in the third week of November, points out Radar Simplex.
São Paulo, November 18, 2022 - A few days before Brazil's debut at the FIFA World Cup in Qatar, on November 24, the eve of this year's Black Friday, searches for TVs of all types and sizes registered, in the third week of November, 96% growth when compared to the previous week. The product, which last week was in the sixth position among the most sought after, now occupies the second position, behind only cell phones, absolute champions in consumer searches for Black Friday. Another item that registered a significant increase in searches was soccer team shirts (61%), probably driven by the World Cup. The data are from Radar Simplex, special edition Black Friday, a survey that monitors weekly searches carried out by consumers in the largest e-commerces operating in Brazil.
Other products that registered significant growth in searches were microwaves (166%) and clothes (151%). In the case of cell phones and smartphones, despite the stability in searches, it is worth noting that the demand for the various models of Iphone represent almost 40% of the total. Other electronics, such as refrigerators, air fryers and video game consoles maintained search rates similar to those of the previous week (see list at the end of the report).
"It is interesting to note that, as the start of the World Cup approaches, consumer interest in TVs and other football-related items grows. We believe this will continue until Black Friday," says João Lee, CEO and founding partner of Simplex. Despite the growth in searches for TVs, Lee considers that they should not quantitatively overcome searches for cell phones, which historically are the big stars of Black Friday. "This year we have screen devices (cell phones, TVs and notebooks) in the top three places in consumer interest. It will not be for lack of screen options that the fan will no longer accompany Brazil in the World Cup, "he jokes.
Lee also considers that the permanence of decoration items among the ten most sought after in the first three weeks of November is justified, in large part, by the maintenance of the home-office after the Covid-19 pandemic. "The home-office is here to stay, so it is natural that people are concerned with making the home environment more pleasant and welcoming," he believes.
The CEO of Simplex also stresses that other items that stood out at the beginning of the month, even if they are not on the list of the ten most sought after, continue to maintain consumer interest, such as air conditioners, sofas, books, e-readers (Kindle) and travel bags among others.
Black Friday
Radar Simplex also monitored searches for the term "Black Friday", which registered a 330% growth in the third week of November compared to the previous week. "Since the beginning of October we have been registering queries for the term 'Black Friday', which has been growing every week. For the next few days, the trend is that searches for the term will increase even more ", he concludes.
Comparative table with the ten most searched items in the first three weeks of November by consumers. Source: Simplex Radar.
1st week |
2nd week |
3rd week |
1. Cell phones 2. Notebooks 3. Refrigerators 4. Air Fryers 5. Sneakers (shoes) 6. TVs 7. Decorations 8. Sofas 9. Washing machines 10. Books |
1. Cell phones 2. Notebooks 3. Refrigerators 4. Sneakers (shoes) 5. Air Fryers 6. TVs 7. Decorations 8. Air-conditioning 9. Video game consoles 10. Diapers |
1. Cell phones 2. TVs 3. Notebooks 4. Refrigerators 5. Sneakers (shoes) 6. Air Fryers 7. Video game consoles 8. Decorations 9. Microwave 10. Clothes |