The term cell phone registered an increase in search engines of almost 6,000% compared to the same period last year; the cold and the return of the June festivities are related to the growth of online searches about costumes and slippers, points out Radar Simplex.
São Paulo, July 2022 - The start of operations of the 5G cell phone network in Brazil leveraged, in June, a strong growth in internet searches for devices enabled to operate with this new technology. The increase was in the order of 5,855%, when compared to the same period in 2021. The data are from Radar Simplex, a platform that uses artificial intelligence to monitor trends in online searches from the massive collection of data in 15 different segments, ranging from electronics, to pets and food. According to the platform's data, searches were mainly focused on entry-level or lower-priced models.
João Lee, founding partner of Simplex, believes that the start of 5G network operations in the country, which began in Brasilia this month, has encouraged people to look for compatible devices. "Apparently, many people are already anticipating to be able to take advantage of the full potential of 5G technology, much faster, and which should be made available in the main urban centers of the country later this year", he believes.
Flags and glitter
Another item that showed a significant increase in searches in June compared to May was fantasy (3,257%). "The long-awaited return of the June festivities, after two years absent from the calendar due to the Covid pandemic, as well as the LGBTQIA+ Pride Parade, which returned to São Paulo at the end of last month, are the likely triggers for this increase", bets Lee.
The low temperatures recorded in the Center-South region of the country in June - when, for example, the São Paulo Climate Emergency Management Center recorded 0.7 ° C in the Engenheiro Marsilac region, in the extreme south of the capital of São Paulo - in addition to Valentine's Day, are factors that may have contributed to increase searches for slippers by 2,000% compared to May. When comparing June to June last year, the same weather phenomenon may also have boosted the growth of searches for short boots (1,634%) and women's boots (1,342%).
Back on the streets
Lee also believes that the improving picture of the Covid pandemic and the return of people to outdoor activities have driven this year's surge in searches for sports shoes, which saw a 3,300% growth in June compared to the same month in 2021.
Check below the ten items whose searches grew the most in the online environment in important Brazilian e-commerces in June 2022, compared to the same period last year:
1st - Mobile phone
2nd - Sports shoes
3rd - Honda Fit
4th - Malbec (perfume)
5º - Short boots
6th - Pre-training (supplement)
7th - Hypercaloric (supplement)
8th - Beach tennis racket
9th - Pet
10th - Women's boot
Also, check out the search leaders that increased the most in June compared to May 2022:
1st - Fantasy
2nd - Slipper
3rd - Coffee table
4th - Lip Tint
5º - Short boots
6th - Women's boot
7º - Babyliss
8º - Cold sweater
9th - Jordan (tennis)
10th - Orange squeezer