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Unlike Black Friday, searches for the term Cyber Monday have no relevance in Brazil

Despite the expressive adhesion of the Brazilian to Black Friday, Cyber Monday, which takes place on the Monday after the big retail date, has no significant searches on the internet, points out Radar Simplex

São Paulo, November 29, 2022 - Brazilians did not get seduced or search for Cyber Monday promotions this year, despite their expressive adherence to Black Friday, two days earlier. At least that is what can be seen when comparing searches for the two terms carried out by consumers on the internet. The data are from Radar Simplex, special edition Black Friday, a survey that monitors the searches carried out by consumers in the largest e-commerces operating in Brazil.  

Black Friday gained visibility in the United States in the 1980s, as a promotion for the liquidation of stocks in physical stores. Cyber Monday started to gain relevance at the beginning of the 21st century (2005), basically focused on e-commerce sales of electronic products. "As in Brazil Black Friday has already emerged with a character more focused on e-commerce, for Brazilians the two dates are practically the same", says João Lee, CEO and founding partner of Simplex.        

In fact, the searches carried out by the term Cyber Monday this year, when compared to those carried out by the term Black Friday, are practically non-existent. "Unlike what happened mainly in the months of September and October, when we saw the systematic growth of searches for products aggregated to the term Black Friday, we did not see searches for products aggregated to the term Cyber Monday, even after Black Friday," explains Lee. 

For the CEO and founder of Simplex, in Brazil, Black Friday, due to the anticipation of promotions by stores, is already losing the character of a specific date. "Especially e-commerces in Brazil have started, each year, to anticipate Black Friday promotions a little more. Result: today we practically have Black November, that is, a whole month of promotions. And, in this context, Cyber Monday, very relevant in other markets, is completely emptied in Brazilian retail", he considers.

No change

The Simplex Radar also recorded that, after Black Friday, the products that aroused the greatest consumer interest during the sales event remained among the most sought after. On Sunday, 27, the ten products most sought after by consumers were exactly the same as on Black Friday, with only a few changes in position. The most significant change was the reduction in demand for notebooks, which fell by almost 51%. As a result, the item lost positions on the list of most wanted. 

Other electronics also registered a drop in searches on Sunday, such as video game consoles (-8.3%) and air conditioners (-34%). Sneakers, decorations and clothing practically maintained similar rates of searches by consumers. Smartphones, the stars of Black Friday, remained firm in first place in searches. See below the comparative table between the most sought after items on Black Friday and the most sought after products on Sunday, the 27th.   

Black Friday

Sunday 27th

1. Cell phones

1. Cell phones

2. Notebooks

2. TVs

3. Refrigerators

3. Refrigerators

4. TVs

4. Tennis

5. Sneakers (shoes)

5. Notebooks

6. Air Fryers

6. Air Fryers

7. Decorations

7. Clothes

8. Air-conditioning units

8. Decorations

9. Video game consoles

9. Video game consoles

10. Clothes

10. Air-conditioning units

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