Start-up presents platforms to increase e-commerce SEO and for the digital monitoring of websites

Start-up reallocates team to help small businesses migrate to e-commerce for free

Start-up reallocates team to help small businesses migrate to e-commerce for free

Simplex has dedicated an average of 60 hours a week to support entrepreneurs for free; online stores have already been set up; team of professionals donates resources to buy domains and host small e-commerces for six months

São Paulo, April 22, 2020 - With the coronavirus crisis, Brazilian start-up Simplex has reallocated its employees' idle time to help small businesses launch e-commerce for free. "At a time when the pandemic has put millions of jobs at risk, we want to support small and micro entrepreneurs in their digitization processes," said João Lee, 30, co-founder of the young company that, since 2017, has been dedicated to developing products that increase organic traffic (the one that occurs without investing in paid media) in online stores.

The start-up has dedicated an average of 60 hours a week listening to the entrepreneurs who come to it, diagnosing their challenges of migrating operations to the internet, developing online stores and empowering entrepreneurs to manage them. So far, Simplex's team of 10 has been able to support 11 micro and small entrepreneurs, creating 3 online stores. "Behind every small entrepreneur there are many jobs at stake. And behind them, many families. This was our way of participating in the national effort to combat the terrible impacts of the pandemic on people's lives," he says. "The idea is that other companies find their own way to help and multiply solidarity on various fronts of the economy," he urges.

Online resistance

Lee is a specialist in digital analytics and CRM platforms, having worked since 2009 in large e-commerces. For him, if small retailers have any chance of weathering the impacts of the coronavirus crisis, it lies in online sales. His effort began the week of 20 March, when he posted on his social networks that Simplex would be mobilizing to help small businesses with their digitization process for free.

Through the individual efforts of members of the start-up's team, its professionals have been funding the purchase of domains and the hosting of these new online stores for six months. "It's a period for these virtual operations to be able to stand on their own two feet," says Lee. For him, everyone on the team who has been involved in the project has felt especially gratified by the experience.
Check out some businesses that have already received support from the start-up's team of collaborators:

Vallvestti - Monte Sião (MG) - multi-brand clothing store
Actions taken: purchase of domain; website development from Instagram photos of the inn; website hosting for six months.

"I have been feeling the need to have the online option for sales for a long time. Now, with the coronavirus crisis, the need to use the online store has become even more evident. Simplex is helping me with this and, for sure, its work will be fundamental for the future of my business". 

Valdirene da Costa Godoy - Owner

Mar e Prosa Suítes - Arraial da Ajuda (BA) - pousada
Actions taken: Logo development; domain purchase; website development from photos of the inn; website hosting for six months.

"I found Simplex's initiative very interesting at this difficult time we are all going through. Their work will be very important when the movement of guests resumes, since now no one is traveling" - Lina Peixoto - Owner

Luna Artesanato - São Paulo (SP) - micro-entrepreneur of handicrafts and clothing
Actions taken: purchase of domain; development of website from photos of the inn's Instagram; hosting of the website for six months.

"Simplex has brought a light at the end of the tunnel to my life, as it will allow me to move my business, which is being greatly affected due to the coronavirus pandemic."

Jennifer Cruz - Owner