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about us■

our history

We offer solutions for various types of businesses that rely on digital marketing performance. With our tools and processes, we can increase qualified traffic, generating more sales, leads, and contacts. We have successfully worked with e-commerces from various segments, restaurant chains, traditional industries, technology companies, among others. Our solutions are highly flexible and can be used worldwide.

Focus on best
performance for
each team■




Focus on best performance for each team.





our partners■

With a great people
track record

Our board has executives directly
responsible for significant market cases.

John Lee

João Lee is CEO of Simplex, a Franco-Brazilian startup that is a pioneer in the technological approach to SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to increase qualified traffic, conversion and online sales. A specialist in digital Analytics and CRM (Customer Relationship Management) platforms, he was responsible for the Web Analytics area at Cnova, part of the Casino Group.

Florian Bessonnat

Florian Bessonnat is co-founder and CIO of the Franco-Brazilian startup Simplex and professor of SEO at the University of Geneva, in the MBA program, in partnership with Columbia University (NY/USA), Google and Microsoft.

Marcos Arantes

Marcos Arantes has already managed the operation of several SEO projects for clients, as well as actively participating in the construction of Simplex's tools.

customers ■

work with us■


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