Porto de Galinhas was the destination most sought after by Brazilians for the end of the year

Porto de Galinhas was the destination most sought after by Brazilians for the end of the year

A survey by startup Simplex also recorded an increase in demand for washer-dryers, Chromecast devices and fashion items such as cloud slippers and papettes in the month of Christmas.

São Paulo, January 2024.

With an increase of 5,364% compared to November, Porto de Galinhas was the most searched term by Brazilians on the Internet in December 2023. This is according to Radar Simplex, a survey created by the Franco-Brazilian startup Simplex, which monitors the searches made by consumers in the country's largest e-commerces and captures trends through an artificial intelligence platform. When compared to the same period last year, the result is also significant: an increase of almost 300% in searches for the region, located in Ipojuca, in the Metropolitan Region of Recife.   

"It's always been a very desirable place for tourists. But, year after year, it seems that the beach has been consolidated as the preferred destination for Brazilians," says João Lee, CEO of Simplex, which specializes in increasing traffic, conversion and online sales. 

It is worth remembering that Porto de Galinhas appeared for the first time in 2023 in the world ranking of the most welcoming places in the world, occupying eighth position, which reinforces this consolidation. 

Trend shoes, electronics and household appliances on the rise for Christmas 

In the month of Christmas, household appliances, such as washing machines and dryers, and electronics, such as Chromecast devices, stood out with increases of 613% and 444% respectively compared to the previous month. The fashion for cloud slippers (+305) and papetes (+195) also invaded the gift list compared to November. 

The most curious item, however, according to the startup, was the dog, which ranked 4th in the ranking, with a growth of 414% month-on-month. "Since the end of the pandemic, we've seen an explosion in demand for wedding rings, because many couples have postponed their ceremonies. Getting a pet is the next step for many newlyweds. A dog can be a loving and symbolic Christmas present for those just starting out in their lives as a couple. Perhaps this explains the gradual increase after the pandemic," says João. 

See below for a complete ranking of the ten items that most aroused Brazilian interest in December and their respective increases compared to November:

1 - Porto de Galinhas (+5,364%)

2 - Washer and dryer (+613%)

3 - Chromecast (+444%)

4 - Dog (+414%)

5 - Cloud slipper (+305%)

6 - Skateboarding (+265%)

7 - Vacuum cleaner (+207%)

8 - Papete (+195%)

9 - ps5 (+189%)

10 - Electric oven (+178)

Gamer electronics lead internet searches in Black Friday month, says survey

Gamer electronics lead internet searches in Black Friday month, says survey

A survey by startup Simplex recorded a rise in demand for PCs and gaming chairs.

The survey also points to a 33% increase in large e-commerce retailers in November 

São Paulo, December 2023.

In the month of Black Friday, gamer electronics were high on the wish list of Brazilians looking for the best discounts. This is according to the November edition of the Simplex Radar, a survey created by the Franco-Brazilian startup Simplex, which monitors searches carried out by consumers in Brazil's largest e-commerces and captures trends through an artificial intelligence platform. The term PC gamer appears at the top of the Radar, with an increase of 632% compared to October, followed by gamer chair, which grew by 498%. In sixth place is a gamer notebook, up 227% on the previous month. 

In addition to the gamer line, electronics in general and household appliances dominated this edition, especially smartphones (+390%), microwaves (+385%), air conditioning (+187%) and washing machines (+88%). "These are items that traditionally perform well on Black Friday and had already been appearing in the months leading up to the date, which shows that consumers were researching in advance, with an eye on the best deals," says João. 

The survey showed an increase of 33% in the e-commerce of the country's major retailers served by Simplex in the month of the biggest promotion of the year. "The data shows that Black Friday is no longer limited to just one date, but has an impact on the whole month," explains João Lee, CEO of Simplex. 

See below for a complete ranking of the ten items that most aroused Brazilian interest in November and their respective increases compared to October:

1 - PC gamer (+632%)

2 - Gamer chair (+498%)

3 - Smartphone (+390%)

4 - Microwaves (+385%)

5 - Barbie (+335%)

6 - Gamer notebook (+227%)

7 - Screwdriver (+217%)

8 - Portable air conditioning (+187%)

9 - Washing machine (+88%)

10 - Blender (+75%)

Amazon Prime Day heats up searches for iPhones in large Brazilian retailers in July

Amazon Prime Day heats up searches for iPhones in large Brazilian retailers in July

A survey carried out by startup Simplex also highlights an increase in demand for microwaves and tablets

São Paulo, August 2023. Amazon Prime Day has boosted demand for iPhones on the Internet, especially high-end models. This is shown by the data from the July edition of Radar Simplex, a survey created by the Franco-Brazilian startup Simplex, which monitors searches made by consumers in the largest e-commerces in Brazil and captures trends through an artificial intelligence platform. Apple's smartphone was up 698% compared to June, occupying third place in the ranking of items most desired by Brazilians. The survey shows an increase in demand for models 11, 12 and 13, in particular.

"Promotions always move the market, because consumers are curious to compare prices in different places and make sure they're getting a good deal. And it's already common for various models of iPhones to be in the top positions," explains João Lee, CEO of Simplex, which specializes in increasing qualified traffic, conversion and online sales.

Microwaves (+1,135%) and tablets (+190%) also appear in the ranking, probably still reflecting Amazon Prime Day, according to the startup. 

Other items that rose compared to the previous month were barbecues and men's sneakers. "This could already indicate an upswing for Father's Day," says João. 

See below for a complete ranking of the items that most interested Brazilians in July and their respective growth compared to June:

1 - Microwave (+1.135%)

2 - Cars (+1.079%)

3 - iPhone (+698%)

4 - Mobile phone (+307%)

5 - Tablet (+190%)

6 - Kitchen cabinet (+151%)

7 - Airline tickets (+117%)

8 - Barbecue (+116%)

9 - Nike sneakers (+79%)

About Simplex Radar

Created in 2020, Radar Simplex is a platform that uses artificial intelligence to capture consumer trends from online surveys conducted on more than 2 million landing pages of large national e-commerces. 

About Simplex:

Simplex is a startup specializing in increasing qualified online traffic, conversion and sales on the Internet. In Brazil, it is a pioneer in the technological approach to SEO (Search Engine Optimization), having developed proprietary artificial intelligence and automation tools that help companies reach the top of Google quickly, with scalable results. From offices in Brazil and France, it serves clients in more than 10 countries in Europe, Latin America and Asia, including major retailers such as Carrefour, Leroy Merlin and Mobly, as well as brands such as Sephora, Burger King and Itaú. Founded in 2017, the company was born from the extensive SEO experience of its founders, João Lee, a Brazilian executive with a solid career in Web Analytics, and Frenchman Florian Bessonnat, who was previously a senior project manager at Yahoo and is a professor of e-commerce at the University of Geneva. Their two main tools, Indexa and Sir Cache, focus on site optimization and the automatic creation of landing pages, with algorithms that understand the constantly changing best practices of Google and other internet search engines. More information: http://simplex.live/


Google Analytics 4: from web to customer analytics

Google Analytics 4: from web to customer analytics
Estimated reading time: 9 minutes



By João Lee
CEO of Simplex

The countdown has begun. As of July 1, Google Analytics Universal will be discontinued, being replaced definitively by Google Analytics 4 (GA4). Since the launch of the new version in October 2020, some companies have slowly started to migrate. However, it was only with the announcement of the end of Universal Analytics, in March 2022, that this process was intensified. Still, many have left the migration to the final stretch of the service. But why is this transition so important?  

GA4 addresses a major market issue: the ability to measure App, Mobile and Website data on the same platform. Five years ago this task was Herculean for most companies, requiring large investment in analytics and processing. In addition to the usual traffic analysis tools in Universal, in this new version we will finally have a unified view of the different platforms (App and Website) in a single journey, and user monitoring in a non-intrusive way, in compliance with data processing laws, such as the Brazilian LGPD.

By simplifying the process, GA4 will make App and Site metrics comparable. This will be reflected in greater accuracy in behavior and attribution analysis and a view of data that is closer to reality. In a world where App and SuperApp are watchwords, unified data represents competitive advantage.

The adoption of GA4 by marketers marks a paradigm shift: from web analytics (analysis of data from web page visits) to customer analytics (analysis of consumer behavior on a brand's digital platforms). This new paradigm accompanies the market change. And understanding this changeability of the digital landscape is a key point to ensure a successful migration, as every new technology brings the inherent risk of adaptation. 

Universal Analytics has become, in recent years, the dominant market tool for bringing data about the navigation and searches made by users on websites. From Urchin Analytics (the first name of the tool) to Universal Analytics, a lot of time has passed and many people have gotten used to reporting the same way. Now we are faced with a new way of collecting and storing data, with a different interface. 

Brazilian teams are used to the old version and the change may present difficulties for the construction of reports and day-to-day decision making, which will be remedied by time and necessity. A less visible risk is also the breakdown of automated processes for building company indicators. Many cross-reference analytics and internal data to build a more accurate view of their business. These reports will need to be reviewed, as will the processes that build them.

The implementation process can be as long as the complexity of each platform. Complex sites, with a high degree of customization, will tend to require more effort and therefore more time. In this sense, a smart strategy is to modularize the implementation in steps and plan metric by metric what should be implemented. This is what we call a metrics map. 

In a practical sense, companies can adopt the following process: ensure that the implementation is accurate, create a DE-PARA of reports vital to the organization, map the main reports used and train the teams. 

But beyond training teams, it is essential to disseminate this change at all levels of companies. It is easier to communicate this transformation to the board of directors than to try to explain, a few months from now, why the metrics have changed. 

*JoãoLee is CEO of Simplex, a French-Brazilian startup that pioneered the technological approach of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to increase qualified traffic, conversion and online sales. Specialist in digital Analytics and CRM (Customer Relationship Management) platforms, he was responsible for the Web Analytics area of Cnova, of the Casino Group. 

Lula's popular car program boosts searches for HB20 and Onix in June

Lula's popular car program boosts searches for HB20 and Onix in June

A survey conducted by startup Simplex in the retail trade also highlights an increase in Brazilian interest in astigmatism, due to the Violet June. 

São Paulo, July 2023. In the month of the implementation of the government's measure to encourage the purchase of popular cars, two vehicle models appeared in the ranking of the ten items most sought after by Brazilians on the Internet. This is what the June edition of Radar Simplex points out, a survey created by the Franco-Brazilian startup Simplex, which monitors searches carried out by consumers in the largest e-commerces in Brazil and captures trends through an artificial intelligence platform. The Hyundai HB20 reached the vice-leadership of the survey, with an increase of +933% compared to May, while General Motors' Onix appeared in seventh position, with a growth of 305%.

The result is in line with data released by the National Federation of Motor Vehicle Distribution (Fenabrave), in which both cars are on the list of best sellers in June. "Not always the intention to buy converts into sales. But in this specific case, the government's discount program is already reflected concretely in the market," says João Lee, CEO of Simplex, a pioneer in the technological approach of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to increase qualified online traffic, conversion and sales on the Internet. 

Concern for eye health is also highlighted 

At the top of the Simplex Radar, the term astigmatism was the champion of searches, showing growth of 1,205% compared to the previous month. The increase in interest in the vision problem occurred amid the June Violet campaign, dedicated to the awareness and prevention of eye diseases, especially keratoconus - a deformity in the cornea of the eyes that can generate an irregular degree of astigmatism that is difficult to correct. 

"The expressive increase indicates the good reach of the campaign, resulting in the demand for items related to eye health," says João. 

Searches for sneakers and Pinscher dogs also appear in the top 10 most searched items on the internet, in what the startup believes is a reflection of Valentine's Day.  

Check below the complete ranking with the ten items that most aroused the interest of Brazilians in June and their respective growth compared to May:

1 - Astigmatism (+1.205%)

2 - HB20 2023 (+933%)

3 - Tennis (+853%)

4 - Projector (+380%)

5 - Pinscher (+361%)

6 - Electronic Lock (+307%)

7 - Onix (+305%)

8 - Scoliosis (+294%)

9 - Pre-workout (+ 291%)

10 - Monster High (+282%)

Launched in Italy, new Topolino boosts searches for Fiat 500 in Brazil's large retail trade in May

Launched in Italy, new Topolino boosts searches for Fiat 500 in Brazil's large retail trade in May

Survey conducted by startup Simplex also highlights high demand for chocolates and travel 

São Paulo, May 2023. Presented in Italy, Fiat's new doorless electric minicar, called Topolino in Europe, has not yet arrived in Brazil but is already moving the automotive market. The brand's novelty, openly inspired by the first generation of the Fiat 500 of the 1930s, boosted the demand of Brazilians on the Internet for the electric Cinquecento, marketed in the country since 2021. This is what the May edition of Radar Simplex points out, a survey created by the Franco-Brazilian startup Simplex, which monitors searches carried out by consumers in the largest e-commerces in Brazil and captures trends through an artificial intelligence platform. The electrified version of the Cinquecento, which belongs to the new generation of the brand's iconic line, reached the vice-leadership of the ten most desired items of the last month, with an increase of 1,750% compared to April.

The growth comes in the wake of a global trend towards the electrification of land transportation. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the sale of electric vehicles in 2023 is expected to reach the mark of almost one in five cars sold worldwide. In Brazil, the technology is gradually gaining strength, amid discussions on tax incentives for electric vehicles. 

"The announcement of a new electric model abroad has mobilized our market and shows that Brazilians are increasingly informed about this trend. It reflects the increased consumer interest in new technologies and more sustainable mobility," says João Lee, CEO of Simplex, a pioneer in the technological approach of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to increase qualified online traffic, conversion and sales on the Internet. 

Mother's Day and the vacation season also drove retailers 

At the top of the Simplex Radar ranking, the search champion was "chocolate", showing growth of 1,810% compared to April, the month of Easter. According to João, the evolution may be the result of the race for gifts for Mother's Day. 

With an eye on June/July vacations and holidays, consumers are also already securing their destination. In third place, the term "travel" appears with an increase of 1,027% in the volume of clicks compared to April. 

Check below the complete ranking with the ten items that most aroused the interest of Brazilians in May and their respective growth compared to April:

1 - Chocolate (+1.810%)

2 - Fiat 500 (+1,750%)

3 - Travel (+1.027%)

4 - PC (+675%)

5 - Whey (+455%)

6 - Smartphone (+447%)

7 - SSD (+397%)

8 - TV (+396%)

9 - Frost free refrigerator (+355%)

10 - Baby stroller (+352%)


Women's World Cup, South American U-17 and Pelé mobilize searches for Brazil jersey in large retailers in April 

Women's World Cup, South American U-17 and Pelé mobilize searches for Brazil jersey in large retailers in April

Survey conducted by startup Simplex also highlights high demand for smartphones, dogs and sneakers

São Paulo, May 2023 -

In the land of soccer, the countdown to the Women's World Cup, which will take place in July, and the South American U-17 Championship, of which Brazil became champion, heated up the search for Brazil shirts on the Internet. This is what the April edition of Radar Simplex points out, a survey created by the Franco-Brazilian startup Simplex, which monitors the searches made by consumers in the largest e-commerces in the country and captures trends through an artificial intelligence platform. The yellow is at the top of the six most desired items of the month by Brazilians, with a growth of 147.5% compared to March. 

"We had CBF's announcement of the new uniform models for the women's team, in partnership with Nike, and Brazilians usually prepare for events like the World Cup with great enthusiasm and expectation. And, of course, we won the South American U-17 Championship, beating Argentina", highlights João Lee, CEO of Simplex, a pioneer in the technological approach of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to increase qualified online traffic, conversion and sales on the internet.

The executive also highlights the importance of the Pelé factor in increasing demand for the shirt. The sportsman, who died in December 2022, continues to be revered as a great soccer icon by Brazilians. "At the end of March, we had the friendly match of the Brazilian national team against Morocco, with the name Pelé's name appearing on the bottom of the players' shirts. This also stimulated the high demand for the item as a way of honoring people to his figure," adds João.

Search champions, smartphones follow in second place on the Radar, with a 39.9% increase in click volume compared to March.

Check below the complete ranking with the six items that most aroused the interest of Brazilians in April and their respective growth compared to March:

1 - Brazil shirt (+147.5%)

2 - Smartphone (+39.9%)

3 - Dog (+19.7%)

4 - Tennis (+14.3%)

5 - Bluetooth headset (+5.8%)

6 - Baby Reborn (+3.7%)

About Simplex Radar

Created in 2020, Radar Simplex is a platform that uses artificial intelligence to capture consumer trends from online surveys conducted on more than 2 million landing pages of large national e-commerces. 

About Simplex:

Simplex is a startup specializing in increasing qualified online traffic, conversion and sales on the Internet. In Brazil, it is a pioneer in the technological approach to SEO (Search Engine Optimization), having developed proprietary artificial intelligence and automation tools that help companies reach the top of Google quickly, with scalable results. From offices in Brazil and France, it serves clients in more than 10 countries in Europe, Latin America and Asia, including major retailers such as Carrefour, Leroy Merlin and Mobly, as well as brands such as Sephora, Burger King and Itaú. Founded in 2017, the company was born from the extensive SEO experience of its founders, João Lee, a Brazilian executive with a solid career in Web Analytics, and Frenchman Florian Bessonnat, who was previously a senior project manager at Yahoo and is a professor of e-commerce at the University of Geneva. Their two main tools, Indexa and Sir Cache, focus on site optimization and the automatic creation of landing pages, with algorithms that understand the constantly changing best practices of Google and other internet search engines. More information: http://simplex.live

Creatine, cropped fashion and iPhones lead e-commerce searches in March

Creatine, fashion cropped and iPhones: find out which are the most desired items by Brazilians on the Internet

Survey conducted by startup Simplex also highlights growth in searches for wallpaper, PlayStation consoles and gamer chairs in large retailers in March.

São Paulo, April 2023 - On the rise in the supplement market, creatine is the item most sought after by Brazilians who want to gain muscle mass and improve their sports performance. This is what the March edition of Radar Simplex points out, a survey created by the Franco-Brazilian startup Simplex, which monitors searches carried out by consumers in the largest e-commerces in the country and captures trends through an artificial intelligence platform. The supplement is in the ranking of the 10 most desired products of the month. When compared to the same period last year, the evolution is impressive: an increase of 1,015%.

"This increased interest is noticeable in the supplement and compounding pharmacy market. We have recently had very consistent scientific research pointing out the beneficial effects of creatine, which has also raised the price of the product. It is now considered the safest supplement by doctors and nutritionists," explains pharmacist Thais Menegario. 

Occupying the third place of the March Radar, another item draws attention. The search for the term "cropped" was up 73.5% compared to February. The shorter length blouses, fever in the 90s, have invaded the female closet in recent years and have gained the adhesion of the male audience as well. "The result was also driven by the meme 'react, put on a cropped'", adds João Lee, CEO of Simplex, a pioneer in the technological approach of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to increase qualified online traffic, conversion and sales on the internet.

At the top of the ranking list, wallpaper is the big surprise of the month, registering growth of 146.6% over the previous month. "We always have these curious finds that, later, are confirmed or not as a trend," explains João.

iPhones and the games industry

The iPhones remain firm as one of the search champions, appearing in second place on the March list, with an increase of 118.8% in the volume of clicks compared to February. "It is already common for several models of iPhones to appear in the first places", notes the Simplex executive. 

Gamer chairs, notebooks and PlayStation consoles also stand out, showing increases in demand in the order of 62%, 45% and 13.5%.  

Check below the complete ranking with the ten items that most aroused the interest of Brazilians in the country's large e-commerces in March and their respective growth compared to February:

1 - Wallpaper (+146,6%)
2 -Iphone (+118,8%)
3- Cropped (+73,5%)
4- Gamer chair (+62%)
5 -
Notebook (+45%)
6- Playstation/console (+13,5%)
7- Creatine (+2%)
8 -
Blazer (+1.8%)
9- Xiaomi (+1.1%)
10 - Women's sneakers (+0.9%)

About Simplex Radar

Created in 2020, Radar Simplex is a platform that uses artificial intelligence to capture consumer trends from online surveys conducted on more than 2 million landing pages of large national e-commerces. 

About Simplex:

Simplex is a startup specializing in increasing qualified online traffic, conversion and sales on the Internet. In Brazil, it is a pioneer in the technological approach to SEO (Search Engine Optimization), having developed proprietary artificial intelligence and automation tools that help companies reach the top of Google quickly, with scalable results. From offices in Brazil and France, it serves clients in more than 10 countries in Europe, Latin America and Asia, including major retailers such as Carrefour, Leroy Merlin and Mobly, as well as brands such as Sephora, Burger King and Itaú. Founded in 2017, the company was born from the extensive SEO experience of its founders, João Lee, a Brazilian executive with a solid career in Web Analytics, and Frenchman Florian Bessonnat, who was previously a senior project manager at Yahoo and is a professor of e-commerce at the University of Geneva. Their two main tools, Indexa and Sir Cache, focus on site optimization and the automatic creation of landing pages, with algorithms that understand the constantly changing best practices of Google and other internet search engines. More information: http://simplex.live/

Black Friday - Searches grow for cell phones, TVs and air conditioners

Black Friday - Searches grow for cell phones, TVs and air conditioners

Stars of Black Friday, electronics register an increase in searches conducted by consumers in the second week of November, points Radar Simplex.

São Paulo, November 11, 2022 - Sales champions on Black Friday, electronics registered a significant increase in searches carried out by consumers in the second week of November, compared to the previous week. Cell phones, TVs and air conditioners stood out in this movement. Data from Radar Simplex, special edition Black Friday, indicate that searches for cell phones grew 17%, TVs increased 8% and searches for air conditioners registered a significant increase of 61%. Particularly among cell phones, searches grew, in general, from the most expensive and sophisticated models to the simplest and cheapest. The most popular brands are iPhone, Samsung, Motorola, Xiaomi and the popular Blu, with devices in the range of R $ 300.00.

Searches for video game consoles also rose in the second week of November, causing this item to enter the list of the ten most sought after in the period. Other electronics, such as refrigerators and air fryers, maintained search rates similar to the first week of the month, except washing machines, which lost positions and left the list of the most sought after. (see list at the end of the report).

For the CEO and founding partner of Simplex, João Lee, with the approach of Black Friday, the trend is that electronics, which historically are the items that most arouse consumer interest in this sales event, continue to register an increase in searches. "This trend of growth in searches for electronics should remain now until Black Friday, but we see that other products also compete for this space, such as sneakers and decorations", analyzes. In the specific case of TVs, the proximity of the start of the FIFA World Cup, which begins on November 20, is certainly a motivating factor. "As Brazil debuts in the World Cup on 24, possibly the interest in the product should remain until Black Friday," predicts Lee. 

The Simplex CEO also points out that some products that were among the top ten most searched last week, still remain well positioned, in the list of the 15 most searched, such as books and sofas. The surprise of the week were diapers, which entered the list of products of greatest interest to consumers. "Sign that not only electronics lives Black Friday. The consumer is interested in all kinds of promotion and e-commerces need to be aware of these sales opportunities, "says Lee.  

The Simplex Radar, special edition Black Friday, is a survey that monitors weekly searches performed by consumers in the largest e-commerces operating in Brazil. 

Attention to landing pages

Simplex's CEO warns that e-commerces, which have already included words and terms related to Black Friday on their landing pages, should now avoid making major changes to these pages. This is because expressive changes in content can lead search engines to consider that it is a new page, and it loses its ranking position, something that can have a very negative impact on the entire sales effort of the period. "There are no problems with making small adjustments such as price or delivery time, but more significant changes to landing pages and titles can cause loss of ranking. You need to be aware of this, "he warns.    

Comparative table with the ten most searched items in the first two weeks of November by consumers. Source: Simplex Radar.

1st week

2nd week

  1. Cell phones
  2. Notebooks
  3. Refrigerators
  4. Air Fryers
  5. Sneakers (shoes)
  6. TVs
  7. Decorations
  8. Sofas
  9. Washing machines
  10. Books
  1. Cell phones
  2. Notebooks
  3. Refrigerators
  4. Sneakers (shoes)
  5. Air Fryers
  6. TVs
  7. Decorations
  8. Air conditioning units
  9. Video game console
  10. Diapers

Black Friday: decorations and books surprise and emerge among the ten most sought after items in the first week of November

Black Friday: decorations and books surprise and emerge among the ten most sought after items in the first week of November

Electronics top the list of the ten products most sought after by consumers, combined with the term 'Black Friday,' in the first week of November. Decorations, sofas and books surprise and make up the other items in the relationship, points Radar Simplex.

São Paulo, November 4, 2022 - Electronics are undoubtedly the products that arouse the greatest interest from consumers on Black Friday, with cell phones being by far the most sought after item, followed by notebooks and appliances, such as refrigerators and air fryers. However, other products also seek space among the stars of the main national e-commerce consumption date and surprise, such as decorative items, sofas and books, which appear among the ten items that most aroused the interest of consumers in the first week of November. This is what Radar Simplex points out, special edition Black Friday, a survey that monitors the searches carried out by consumers in the largest e-commerces operating in Brazil, in relation to the first week of November (see list of items at the end of the article).

"We always have the expectation that at the top of searches for Black Friday will always be electronics and one other item of clothing or footwear, but books and decorations being on the list was definitely surprising," says João Lee, CEO and founding partner of Simplex. 

Lee believes that items such as decorations and sofas may be somehow linked to the increase in home-office in the country. "It is quite possible that the fact that people spend more time at home stimulates the search for home comfort items and that contribute to making the home environment more pleasant," he ponders. "The significant search for books is something really unusual," he adds. Lee points out that e-readers, although not among the ten most sought after items, also register a good placement, among the 15 most desired items. "It is always good to see books and e-readers among the most sought after items," he says. 

Attention to ranking

But it is not only the products that arouse greater interest in consumers that e-commerces should be aware of. Companies also need to be alert to the positioning (ranking) on search engines, such as Google and Bing. 

According to Simplex's CEO, it is urgent that companies already insert terms related to Black Friday on their landing pages to be well ranked on these sites. "Those who have not done so are surely already late and at serious risk of reaching Black Friday without having achieved a good position on search engines. And that can be fatal to sales, "he warns. The main e-commerce sales event takes place this year on November 25th. 

Companies that have already included words and terms related to Black Friday on their landing pages should now avoid making major changes to these pages, as this may be "understood" by search engines as a new page and it may lose ranking. "There are no problems with making small adjustments, but more significant changes to landing pages and titles can cause loss of ranking. You have to be aware of this ", highlights Lee.    

List of the ten most searched items together with the term "Black Friday" in the first week of November. Source: Radar Simplex

  1. Cell phones
  2. Notebooks
  3. Refrigerators
  4. Air Fryers
  5. Sneakers (shoes)
  6. TVs
  7. Decorations
  8. Sofas
  9. Washing machines
  10. Books