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GPT-4 Exposed: The Dark Side of AI in Classrooms

Unmasking the Risks of AI in Education

GPT-4 Exposed: The Dark Side of AI in Classrooms

Recent studies reveal significant differences in the impacts of using GPT-4 alone versus a structured AI approach like GPT Tutor in educational settings. While GPT-4 can initially enhance learning, its removal leads to a substantial decrease in student performance. On the other hand, GPT Tutor not only sustains but also boosts students' knowledge during its use, with no negative impact when the support is removed.

Why GPT-4 Alone Can Be Problematic

Using GPT-4 alone has shown to improve immediate performance but fosters a dependency that becomes detrimental over time. Research indicates that once GPT-4 is withdrawn, students' performance drops by 17% compared to those who never used it. This dependency issue underlines that while GPT-4 can provide instant answers, it fails to engage students in deeper learning processes or promote the development of autonomous problem-solving skills.

How GPT Tutor Helps

Unlike GPT-4, GPT Tutor is designed to promote active learning without leading to dependency. The use of GPT Tutor has resulted in a 127% improvement in performance during assisted practice sessions. Crucially, when GPT Tutor is removed, it does not lead to any performance deterioration—students do not experience any negative or positive change in their ability to solve problems independently. This neutral effect underscores GPT Tutor's capability in fostering a deeper understanding and retaining knowledge through guiding students to think critically and solve problems without directly giving them the answers.


Selecting the right AI tools for educational purposes requires a careful consideration of their long-term effects on student learning and independence. GPT-4, while helpful for quick problem-solving, can create a harmful reliance that negatively impacts students once support is withdrawn. In contrast, GPT Tutor offers a balanced approach by encouraging active learning and building lasting skills without leaving students at a disadvantage when the tool is no longer in use. Educators should prioritize AI tools like GPT Tutor that not only improve learning outcomes temporarily but also ensure students are well-prepared to tackle future challenges on their own.


Publication date:  2024/07/23
by Florian Bessonnat

Simplex co-founder