Travel, airline tickets, perfumes, sofas, drinks, makeup, books and even tattoos stand out among the various items that presented, in October, a high rate of searches carried out by consumers combined with the term 'Black Friday'.
São Paulo, October 28, 2022 - Black Friday is not just about electronics. Although cell phones, notebooks, refrigerators, airfryers and other electrical and electronic items are the most sought-after promotions on the most important date of the year for online commerce, other products and services also compete for consumer interest. According to data from Radar Simplex, the special edition of Black Friday, which monitors searches carried out by consumers on the largest e-commerces operating in Brazil, the month of October saw intense searches for airline tickets, travel packages, perfumes, sofas, drinks, make-up, tires, diapers, books and even tattoos combined with the term 'Black Friday'.
"We noticed that searches for airline tickets, tour packages and travel agencies are among the Black Friday promotions that already arouse great interest. This suggests that, after the Covid pandemic, these items have become objects of desire for a significant portion of the population ", reports João Lee, CEO and founding partner of Simplex. For him, it is natural that, after a long period of restrictions on mobility, there is a dammed demand for travel. "In the same vein, we also see that there are significant searches for promotions in theme parks, in Brazil and abroad, and also for travel bags and on-board bags", he points out.
Other products
As well as travel packages and tickets, consumers are already starting to search for the first promotions and research the prices of various products, going far beyond the traditional electronics. Beauty items, perfumes and makeup appear with expressive rates of demand. Among the searches that are performed by the consumer in conjunction with the term 'Black Friday', it is common to bring the name of major brands, national and international. "This signals that the consumer does not expect only shopkeepers to make promotions, but also that the manufacturers of various products themselves contribute with differentiated prices and discounts", believes the CEO of Simplex.
They also appear on the list of the most searched and monitored products in relation to Black Friday sofas, mattresses, tires, drinks (whiskey, beer and wine, in that order), diapers, jewelry, bicycles and coupons for snacks. "Another champion in searches are books. The phenomenon is a wake-up call for bookstores, which can also take advantage of Black Friday to boost sales," says Lee.
Tattoos and sex shop
Attention is drawn to the growing demand for tattoos on sale. "Times change and so does culture. It is natural, therefore, that people also scour the internet looking for discounts on this type of service. Today, tattooing the body is absolutely common, and not just among young people. So we cannot say that this fact is a surprise, but rather that it is a heated market, "says Lee.
Another term that begins to appear more frequently allied to searches for Black Friday is 'sex shop', in addition to products related to this type of trade. For the CEO of Simplex, it is natural that the internet becomes the major sales channel for these products, as many consumers are not comfortable visiting physical stores. For Lee, the main e-commerces and partner stores are aware of the issues related to the commercialization of these products and the care that must be taken in relation to the shipment, which must be carried out discreetly without exposing the consumer. "As consumer confidence in these shipping precautions increases, online sales of these items tend to grow," he considers.
Black Friday now
For the founding partner of Simplex, the fact that consumers start searches related to the term 'Black Friday' as early as October indicates that e-commerces cannot waste any more time in including terms such as 'Black Friday heat', 'soon on Black Friday' or 'Black Friday is coming' on their landing pages. "This is essential so that, when we get to Black Friday week, these e-commerces are well positioned on search engines," he says. Lee reinforces that insertions of themes related to this commercial date make e-commerce considered, by search engines, as relevant to the consumer interested in the promotions of this sales event. "Anyone who is not well positioned on search engines the week of November 25, Black Friday date, will surely lose sales," he warns. "It is essential for e-commerces to guarantee this good positioning right away," adds Lee.
From the beginning of November, the Simplex Radar will monitor search trends for Black Friday 2022 on a weekly basis.